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Grocery Store!

Sorry, chikens don't exist in the Pokemon world.

I would like some hydrogen Peroxcide from the grocery store.
Your logic makes me scream, and i had to use it all to clean out a painful injury. Have some antibacterial soap.

I would like my sanity back from the grocery store.
Sorry, but that is impossible. Don't feel bad, your existance in this world is most likely laughably insignifagant.

Could someone get me some pills that make my brain do the CANCAN?
Sorry, I ate every pill in the store. But here's a talking gumball machine. I'll just pass it over to- whoa, my hands are HUUUUUGE... O-O *stares at them in wonder*

I'd like fifty thousand tins of tuna.
Sorry, they only had pennae, tagliatelle or farfalle. So I got fusilli.

I'd like some other pasta from the grocery store.
Sorry, the only one they had was owned by a customer... "Grim Reaper" I think his name was. Then he tapped me and I died, and it all got a bit complicated. Here's a pebble.

I'd like a hamburger made from Lego.
Sorry, all the books had been torn up for the store's Origami Festival. Here's a paper swan.

I want Charizard Morph's kidney from the grocery store.
Unfortunately she's no here to distribute her kidney. Have her avatar instead.

Somebody get me a new avatar from the grocery store
I tried to find it, but the Cup-O-Ramen factory that supplied it closed. I got you a bathtub of oatmeal instead.

Someone get me a new planet from the grocery store or else.
I tried but they were out of stock, because of some traveling pancake parade thing. But I did get you John Kricfalusi.

Would someone please get me the Macerena at the grocery store?
Sorry, they said a dance is a metaphysical concept and not something you can physically own. I got you a conscience and three dignities though.

Can I have a monster truck from the grocery store?
I'm sorry, but those are only sold on Pluto. I got you Optimus Prime though.

Can someone get me Ren at the grocery store?
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