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Grocery Store!

Sorry, but they all died.

Can someone go get me Notoriously Unknown from the food aisle?
Sorry, but Harry Potter defeated all the dragons.

Could someone go get a feather from the grocery store?
Sorry, but all they have is instant ramen.

Could someone go get me so instant ramen from the grocery store?
OK, you can have my cousin, Ner D. E.

Can someone go get me a Pokerused Shuckle from the grocery store?
Sorry, but there is no such thing as Pokemon. Somebody needs a reality check XXD

Could someone get me some headache medicine from the grocery store?
I tried, but then I broke out in tears because I passed the food aisle and Dragonfree wasn't there.

Could someone get me an illegally underpaid janitor from the grocery store?
Sorry, he worked there and wasn't allowed on his break for another hour. Have this sweat shop employee.

Can I have a starfruit from the grocery store?
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