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Grocery Store!

Unfortunately no. All the chickens ran away before they could be roasted, so have this free marshmallow instead. :3

Get me DDR from the grocery store
Sorry no togas, just flaming manskirts with bunnies on them.

Can someone get me some Atomic Super Weapons at the Grocery Store?
Sorry, they didn't stock them. Here's some double sided tape so you can adhere your Pokéballs directly to your waist.

I'd like a can of paint from the grocery store.
I'm sorry, all the hats were destroyed for no apparent reason. Here, have a bag of money.

Can someone get me all the Animaniacs characters from the grocery store?
Sorry, they'd sold all but all but one of them. So here's a bottle opener shaped like a ferret.

I'd like a squirrel from the grocery store.
Sorry, they were out. A pack of teenaged girls stormed in and bought the lot. I got you some nougat, though.

Can someone pick me up a babie's first word from the grocery store?
Sorry, only second words.

Can someone pick me up a hobo from the parking lot outside of the grocery store?
Sorry, the lucky bum went off with some sap for a cheeseburger with fries. I got you a street urchin though.

Could somebody pick me up some guns from the grocery store? I'm saving up for a zombie apocalypse.
Sorry, one of them was bred to learn Rock smash. It smashed the tank and the entire supply escaped into the sewers. Here. Have a Wooper.

Could you pick me up a grocery store at the grocery store?
Sorry, that don't carry that brand.

Can you pick me up nothing from the grocery store?
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