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Grocery Store!

Sorry, no presents, just this little square. *holds up Platinum*

O_O *tackle hug* Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!!!

I think he's hanging out in the invitations thread.

I would like soup from the store.
I would, but the manager has cibophobia and he brutally murdered me when I asked for some.

Could someone go get me Dragonfree? She should be in the food aisle.
I want someone to get Dragonfree from the food aisle, but no one will do that eiter!

*Leaves* Hello random stranger. Please go get Dragonfree from the food isle. I'll be your best friend!
Oh, here you go.

Dragonfree thinks I'm an obbssesive stalker. But, if we just happen to bump into each other.... Can someone go get Dragonfree from the food aisle, please?
I can't because Dragonfree hold's the world's supply of rubber bands in her pocket. PLEASE GO GET HER FOR ME!!!
Dude, you're a freak, stop it or i'll go and get a Mod. If you want to talk to Butterfree i'm sure that you can find her somewhere else, but stop telling people to go get her for you, it's creepy.

Would someone please get me a cart from the grocery store?
Sorry, I got bored of walking on my way to the grocery store, here's a cart I found in a ditch on the way.

Someone get me a lobster from the grocery store.
some strange guy was standing over the live lobster bin with a gun, muttering. I though it best to leave him alone, here's a crab.

I would like fishsticks from the grocery store.
Sorry, but the fishsticks were all made of fugu, specifically the deadly parts. Here's a live cobra sandwich.

I'd like a satsuma from the grocery store.
(It's a sort of orange =3)

Sorry, they didn't have nachos, but here's the bag of chips you just gave me, assuming you were referring to chips as in the American kind and not "fries".

I'd like a tiger shark from the grocery store.
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