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Grocery Store!

(Sorry, Charizard. You're right, some jokes get old after a while.)
There were a bunch of kittens, and when I picked on up, it attacked my face.

I would like a GoPhone from the Grocery Store.
Happily! *Go into cash register* Gah! Now I'm arrested too!

Could somebody get me and Charizard some bail money from the grocery store?
I'll try... *Suddenly ends up in jail* What the hell? Sorry guys, couldn't get you bail money but I somehow managed to get us some donuts.

Get me a nail filer from the grocery store (we're busting outta here!)
Sorry, nail files were too expensive, so I stole one. Then they took it off me and threw me in jail with you guys.

Can someone get me an original idea for a problem with the previously requested product from the grocery store?
...There. I got one from the guard, who is sleeping.

Could someone give this to Skroy, who is in jail, by using the telaporter in the grocery store?
(Not really, don't bother with silly games.)

*Melts locks* We all have or are pokemon. *Shoves open door* Out we go!~

Could someone get me gloves from the grocery store, i have a bank to rob.
Sorry but for some reason the store sells apples, and oranges and other items but nothing named GROCERIES.

can someone buy me some apples?
Sorry, he went nuts and blew up the store, killing everyone inside. Here's some rubble.

Can someone get me an escalator from the grocery store?
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