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Grocery Store!

Sorry, they said if I took the wall the store would fall down :< Here's a ceiling.

Could someone get me a mongoose?
It ran off... here's a sna... theres the mongose! It has rabies! Take a calculator.

Medical attention please.
Sorry, apparently some crazy man went around and stuck a needle through every bit of candy they had. It's a wonder how fast he worked. They're still working on inspecting every piece of candy; meanwhile, have a sandwich held together by a toothpick.

Can someone get me a new pack of black fineliners? :<
Sorry, the store didn't sell your size of pants =P But I got you some new...UNDERWEARRR

Can someone buy me a brand new iPhone with a cell phone plan with unlimited text messaging fer CHRISTMASSS =DDDDD
Sorry, the stores were all closed, so I got you a pack of gravel.

Can someone get me a puppet, please?
Sorry, the puppets said they were starting to be independent and no longer served us. So to prove it, they tied me up and starting tugging on me like a marionette. Here's a dictionary to tell you what that means though.
Could someone get a pocket knife to free me?
The store I went to only sold sporks, so... well, I assume your arms are tied up to, so I'll help get you free. *slowly saws away at strings with spork*

Can someone get me a large black feather?
I couldn't find any crows, so here are 3 pigeons. They can make feathers, although not big, black ones.

Can someone get me Ryan Stiles at the grocery store?
They ran out of blue clown shoes, so he wasn't there. I did get you a Ryan Stiles doll, though.

Can someone get me some Mudkipz at the grocery store?
Sorry, but Ryan stole all the Mudkipz. So, I got you a fangirl.

Can someone get me Xemnas at the grocery store?
The store doesn't sell those, but I got you Zemnas.

Can someone get me some pencils at the grocery store?
I wanted to get you the ever so elusive pencil, but the an old lady kicked me before I could run out with them, so I got you an eraser.

Can someone get me a table?
Sorry, but Chuck Norris was in the area battling with Broly and so every piece of furniture in Leeds got broke, even in people's homes, have a biscuit instead!

Can someone get me a ridiculously comprehensive Cheats book, please, I saw one the other day and it is my birthday in like 9 days!!!
Happy birthday, but unfortunately someone sacrificed them to a magikarp. So, have a candle!

Could someone please get me that plush Ditto?
NO WE'RE OUT OF PLUSH DITTOS! (sorry, had to make the Albuquerque reference, but nobody was asking for donuts.)

Could somebody find me somebody to love? (Agh, now Queen references! will I never stop?)
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Sorry, but they were all out of Queen CD's at HMV, so I decided to get you a plain piece of A4 paper, no lines, jus plain, nothing on it at all...

Could you help me convince my brother to get me a PSP for my birthday instead then?
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