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Grocery Store!

Sorry, I tried to but I couldn't find nywhere tht fixes stromech droids, so I got you fully working 8 Trck Plyer insted! Seriously, new Key, plese!!!
Sorry, Callum resides here now, so instead I got you a copy of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas for the Xbox instead!

Can someone get me permission to change my name to "The Storm Callum"!
Sorry, but no. However, you can change your name to Bumsickle!

Can someone get me more Thin Mints?
Sorry all they had were toy mobile phones, so here's a Laptop Battery that only fits in my Laptop!

Can I have a means to make my damned brother quit smoking?
No. But I did find a patch for cigarettes that gets rid of their addiction to your brother.

I could really do with a saddle for my dragon-riding class.
I looked, but all I was able to get was a saddle for riding certain TCoD members' ponies, or rather them!

Can I have a replacement battery for the PSP I've borrowed off of Inu, seeing as it isn't really that good?
No, all batteries were stolen by an invasion of robots, so I got you a new PSP instead.

Can somebody get me a force field generator?
Hmm... I tried my best, but that entire aisle had been abducted by aliens. Instead, I got you just a field generator. Have fun with your grass!

Can someone pick me up Lady Gaga if they're running down the store?
Nope, but I got you some shoops for your whoops.

Can someone grab me a mother while they're out at the shoppe?
Sorry, pokemon control was trying to fclose their mouths which had been open for 60 days...
Can someone get me a freeze ray at the grocery store?
No, but I got you some ice cream.

Can someone get me a new little brother? *eyetwitch as he runs around my room annoyingly*
Sorry, but someone from Project Runway bought all of them.
Can I have a Rayquaza from the store pwease?
Sorry, all I got was an Ekans painted green with fake glued on hands. I suspect the Magikarp salesman from being involved.

Could someone get me a seriously overlevelled middle stage of a Bug Pokémon?
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