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Grocery Store!

Yeah, but I accidentally dropped them in a bottle of Pepsi, so I bought you that instead, *Cue bottle exploding in Zackrai's face*
Can I get a sign that says Activate Manual Breathing?
Sorry, all they had was activate automatic breathing, so i got you that instead

Can i have some ice cream?
Sorry, all the ice cream was taken by a Vanilluxe who thought it was her relatives. I got you some milk and an ice cube maker, however.

Can you get me some muffins?
Sorry but all the pets they had were made of cardboard, plastic and sellotape, so I got you a 5p piece instead!

Can I have a copy of Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force 5, please?
Sorry, Yugi showed up and declared war on me, so I got you a piece of his hair instead ^^

I. Need. A. Vacuum.
Sorry, the Anime Fan Club was crowding around them all day >////< So I got you an OHSHC DVD instead.

Get me Honey's Rabbit?
It had been eaten by Honey Bear, so I got you a shiny highlighter.

Get me a copy of Mr. Bean Vol. 3?
The shopkeeper somehow managed to lose it, so I got you a bucket of paint with a bomb in it instead.

Get me some blueberry bubblegum.
I'm sorry I couldn't get you thin air, so I got you a pair of pink Ugg Boots instead of air! Yes, Uggs instead of air!

Can you get me a cure for the sniffles, enough for 2 people?
Sorry, they were all out. can someone get me a dvd of ''dragonball:evolution: director's cut''?
Sorry, spell check is having a hissy fit over that, so i got you...absolutely nothing. *tumbleweed*
can i have an inuyasha costume?
sorry they had no idea what a inuyasha is
can i have a pet panda named Mandit who i'll never take to the vet, who buys me cereal when i dont wanna cause im really lazy like Madonna
Inuyasha is a half demon who falls in love with a schoolgirl or something.
Couldn't afford the panda, so i got you a picture of pandu, my grass type panda fakemon i will post in the future.
can i have some poffin mix?
Sorr, the Grocery store burned down, but i got you a skateboard.

Can i have a PUPPY!?
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