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Grocery Store!

He was making out with Mew, and I was going to get you Jirachi, but she and Celebi were kissing, so I got you a Caterpie instead.

Can I has Significant Other Color by OPI?
making out with mew?

no, i'm too lazy, so i got you....absolutely nothing.

can i have a pound of hamburger?
They didn't have any (Deoxys destroyed it), so I got you pickle relish instead.

Me have pickles?
I was just abut to get you some, but when I tried to get tem, my hand kept being blocked by my DS screen :(

Can I have some cheese?
Sorry, there aren't any planes going there. But I got you a submarine ticket.

Can you get me a can of bright red paint?
Sorry, an electabuzz came out of nowhere and freaked out when it saw the red paint, so i got you a can of clearcoat. For your nails.
I would like a thunderstone.
All they had were the knucklebones of an electrocuted uh,Raichu.

Me have moneyz?
All they had was magikarp. So i protested that it was pokemon cruelty, and that store was shut down.
Can i get a pokemon egg?
I found one, but it was cracked. So I got you a Butterfree plushie instead :3

Can you get me some daisies?
She got the last one, so I got you the dust off the shelf instead.

Can I have, uh, an iTouch?
Sorry, all they had were machines that remove your sense of touch, so i got you one.
I need some parchment papaer.
You said you wanted nothing, but i got you a happy meal anyway.
I need an abra to teleport me to slowbro's house.
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