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Grocery Store!

Sorry, a giant elephant came and stomped on all the furries.
Can I please have a strawberry from the shoppe?
Sorry, all they had were pieces of hope with a chunk of love on the other hand.
Someone please get me cooked ground beef from the store.
Sorry, some 3 year olds came and paraded away with them.
Can someone get me an Empoleon?
There was a March of the Penguins and I couldn't catch up to them.

Gimme something like a... heart candy box?
Sorry, some lovestrucken people took them all.
Can I have a plasma lamp?
Sorry, I burned everyone with them. (They actually had lava in them)

Get me an ink cartridge so I can print a death threat.
Sorry, they were all out of ink cartridges, so I got you a pen instead.

Can someone PLEASE tell everyone that they are supposed to give them something else?
Sorry, the clown from Stephen King's It came and took it.
Get me a new couch.
Sorry, they didn't have chicken, but i got you a Skarmory pre-evo-ish looking metal bird thingie.

Can someone get me an action figure of Blaine?
Sorry, all of them were taken by his Magmar, so I got you his Magmar instead

May I have a bit chunk of hope, a piece of faith, and a sprinkle of charity?
Sorry, I used them to bake a cake, but you can have the cake instead.*
Can someone get me some wotter?
*It may or may not be a lie, though...
Sorry, couldn't find any otters. Oh, you asked for a wotter. ...Here, just take this pencil and forget this ever happened.

Can someone get me a labcoat at the grocery store?
Sorry, it was National Professor Shopping Day, so a bunch of them were crowded around them. I got you a Shamwow though.

Can someone get me a truck load of puppies?
I'm sorry, it's been stolen...by BOWSER or something. I did get you access to Youtube, to watch Youtube poop though.

Can someone get me one of those singing bass that you hang on the wall?
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