• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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Grocery Store!

They only had calculators, so I got you an algebra book.

I need a carnivorous welcome mat in RL.
They only have those in mafia, so i got you a candy bar.
I require quarters! A thousand allownaces of quarters!
I'm British, so I could only go to a British shop, so I got you roll of toilet paper instead!

Can you get me a few pounds stirling for the card stall and their suitcase full of cards tomorrow?
You confuzzle me so I got you a Ladybug Pilllow Pet.

I need a lavender silk top.
Uh... I remeber goku being the one that causes it to break, on more than one occasion.
Get me something namekian.
I don't know what that is, but I got you a list of the top ten most popular names!

I need a new calculator.
You asked for nothing, so i got you a ginormous e.

I need a thunder stone so i can has evoled elekid.
I wanted to get you a sombrero, but all they had was guac, so I got you a tomato.

May I have some fire?
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