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Grocery Store!

No, they only had sticky notes, but I got you this: ♪♫

Can I has new socks?
It was moldy D: I got you a mouse.

I want a MAGICAL pink fluffy unicorn. Dancing on a MAGICAL rainbow.
I was going to get you Rainbow dash, but all the had was fluttershy
I want a honoguma.
Google it!
They didn't have any, but I got you a Cyndaquil.

Can you get me a T-Shirt with a picture of an octopus on it?
Sorry, all they had were octillery, so i got you one of those.

Now i need pokemon called Kurusu.
Bulbapedia it if needed.
Sorry, I couldn't afford it, so I decided to let you spend a month with my Xbox Live profile: Son Goku84! (I've had it a few years now, by the way)

Can I get some Points to spend on the Xbox Live Marketplace?
Strangely, I COULD get you what you were after! (We really should consider shopping somewhere else...) Unfortunately it's James Marsters...

Can I have the lead role in the second Dragonball: Evolution movie? And no, it's not jus so I can snog Jamie Chong! Though it would be a bonus, she's hot!
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