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Grocery Store!

*paws at the mousey*

I don't have a doggy that does that nya but how about a marshmellow cat version nya X3?

I want to take over the world X3 hehe nya
Sorry I have no dragon wings to give you but nyancat is useful for flying lessons nya X3

Why don't I have a master yet nya X3?
Sorry nya I have no pickles but I do have some glow in the dark cookies nya ^.^ *offers some*

Can I have some treats nya ^.^ I am a sweet and innocent neko after all X3
The teddies are mine nya but how about this nya *glomps Ulqi-chan*

Can I play in the snow nya ^.^?
Hmm finds the PC *noms it all because it's made of cake and gives Luxcario the empty plate* "Sorry...I ate it.. but it did taste good nya X3"

Can I have a sootball nya ^.^?
((Could you please stop saying "nya"? It's getting a bit annoying :/))

No. Just...No.

I'd like some soup x3
I didn't wanna go to the store and China didn't have any, so he gave me some fried rice. Here. *gives*

Can I has some fish n' chips?
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No. America gave me a hamburger, but I didn't want it. Here.

Can I has a big stick so I can bug France?
Sorry, I misspelled "chedar" as "chedr" in the Internet shop and got you the Vietnamese Crystal rival.

Can I have a plush Dragomon?
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