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Grocery Store!

The typo monster owns all typos so you can't have them XD

I want a ball of purple glowy string nya X3
Krazoa rode off on it, explaining why she didn't come down today, cuz you wouldn't give her glowy purple string, so here's a bottle of sauce you have to down now! (Nobody tell him it's Wasabi sauce, okay?)

I need a bucket of ice water to throw over Inuzuka to stop him getting angry at everyone having better aim than him on Halo: Reach Matchmaking!

I want more stars to throw at Yami Angel Christian.
Since spunky doesn't know what she wants, I gave her a fez full of bugs and stuff. It wasn't the right color anyway.

I want England so we can be cool and wear bowties together.
We're an Island Nation, and we want nothing to do with the Eurozone!!! Have a funny hat!

Can you get me an account with BT Total Broadband? I fancy only having access to half the internet!
Nope sorry xD I can't get you that account because a neko is currently planning to take over the whole of the internet X3

Can I have a plane please nya ^.^
Sorry but I only know one what what and that's already taken xD sorry nya

Can I have a key nya X3
*noms on the lock*

Sorry xD I have no Portuguese cd's nya but here have a japanese one instead X3
NYA! I would give you Nyancat except, nyancat is currently on vacation with the marshmellow cat nya X3 I can send a message though ^.^

I want a tail nya X3
hehe nya I can't do that X3 I lack flippers xD so instead have a happy neko going nya ^.^

I want a mouse nya X3
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