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Grocery Store!

I couldn't find it, but I got you a Dragomon egg. And yes, it hatches right into the Ultimate level because of weird dimensional stuff. At least something with dragon wings.

Can I have a device that makes portals to another dimension?

*5 hours later*

Oh, sorry, the batteries died... Here's a ticket to Forbidden Planet Leeds' next Manga Night in, you guessed it, Leeds, England! Good luck getting to that!

I gets those furry boots Ben is getting on Tuesday for Neko-based teasing?
Nya sorry X3 I sort of stole Ben for a moment because he has my bells so sorry xD have a random key instead ^.^

Can I have a book that reveals all secrets nya X3?
Sorry nya L came to visit and ate all the cakes X3 *offers a glowstick instead*

hehe Can I have someone to cuddle nya ^.^
I was on my way, but a Cactuar came round instead!

Get me some gear that'll let me put my own Let's Play on YouTube! (don't really wanna do Final Fantasy VI, as much as I love it...)
Sorry, I did have some gear for you except. Zoltan sort of nommed it...

Can I have a Death Note X3 nya
I was going to get one from my stalker, but she seems to have disappeared...

Can I have a Mawefic Wowd Field Spell so I can tease you with all the pretty glowy lights?

(Wait, did I jus give my plan away?)
I'm sorry, but they didn't have that, so I got you a copy of George Orwell's 1984 instead!

Can you get me something from Primark that will cost less than £15?
I actually managed to get you one but I ran headlong into the Time-Turners and now it's about twelve seconds in the past.

Incidentally, can I have a newt's eyeball?
I went to the magic shop, but they threw me out for being too generic, so I got you a cat's tongue instead!

Can you get me something that'll explain where the Americans get that "English" accent from?
I swear I was en route to getting you one, but I have no idea what that is, so I got you a bell without the Neko knowing I picked it up! Enjoy it! It's not often you can say that!

Can I have my autobiography, please?
hehe Sorry nya, me and a bunch of nekos decided to give it to the crocodile so here's a teddy instead X3

Can I have something which turns everything into glowy purple things nya X3
It might be my imagination, but it appeared as though SOMEONE had already been there and claimed everything (there were pawprints everywhere, so I'm guessing it was you, Neko), so I got you some stuff that turns things into shiny silver things (PhaRaoH's gonna be pleased, I can hear her "Yaying" in Norwich now...)!

Can I have the two pairs of "Snugg" boots that were supposed to have been delivered before Christmas?
hehe sorry xD I have no 'snugg boots' so you can have some nyancat fluffy slippers instead nya X3

hehe nya can someone get me something to help me get L to give me some cakes nya X3
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