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Grocery Store!

No. Have a cockroach.

I want something that will make Krazoa stop saying "nya".
Sorry can't offer that nya XD it's part of my personality ^.^

I want something that'll make The Doctor become real nya X3
Haha Our sigs are the same right now...

No! Those are revolting and I do not want to see your lunch on the floor.
I ish wanting less maths.
Mathematicians like cats! So here's a ton of MY Physics homework from 10 years ago instead!

Can I have something that will stop people having a go at the Neko for going "Nya"? I like Nekoes...
I'd give it to you, but then I'd have to kill you.
Can I have Skyward Sword?
Somehow I messed up and talked like Eridan when phoning them, and I ended the sentence with "or somefin." They didn't understand me, so have this fin.

I want an Eridan T-Shirt with the back saying "It's my symbol too."
I went to the wrong shop! Y'see I WAS on my way to get you one, but then the Neko distracted me with talk of glowy stuff (which she really does do), so instead I got you a cheap DragonBall Z immitation t-shirt instead! Sorry!

Can I have some pipes for my highly complicated plan for World Domination?
Sorry, I gave all the pipes to Fred, so I got you a super fast robotic spider instead.

Can I have a weapon that is better at damaging bosses?
King Kai doesn't wear a hat, so I got you Kami's staff instead! (Actually, that isn't such a bad trade off...)

Er, can I have something that will exasporate my shock at something turning out not too bad in this game for once?

(See what I did?)
For some reason the pet shop wouldn't give me a monkey (I know, damn them...), so you're going to have to settle for this Trading Card protective sleeve!

Can I have a copy of Soul Reaver 1 for the PlayStation, Blood Omen 2 on the GameCube and Legacy of Kain: Defiance on whatever?
I went out and bought it, but I kept it because mine is broken too. Try shoving these cheese puffs in your laptop instead.

I could really use some potassium chlorate.
The closest they had was sodium chloride, so I got you that.

I'm currently interested in a certain kind of stuff, and sort of curious... Can you get me a book by HPL?
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