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Grocery Store!

I forgot to write "bones and it stank up your house.

Get me a burger with extra ketchup, but leave off the lettuce, onions, meat, and the bun.
Sorry, I could only get a burger with lettuce, onions, meat and the bun. BUT NO KETCHUP.

Can I have my personality test?
(it's in my sig. i am not a bot.)

It's the prize for Worst Living Thing.

Can I have an elephant to ride on?
Sorry, they only had llamas, so I got you some mucus.

I'd like inspiration.
Sorry, I WAS going to get you one, but it was Shiny, so I claimed it for myself! I WAS going to get you an Oddish instead, but that was Shiny too! So, I thought I'd get you a Marill instead, but again it was Shiny (am I having luck, or no luck at all here?), so I kept it for myself like the other two! So, here's a leaf... Oh, wait, that's Shiny, too... Have a bullet, that's only shiny!

I wish for new Shiny Pokémon! (I do actually have those as Shiny, by the way)
In my defence, I went to Scarborough, but it looked too lovely so I ate it... Here's the newspaper it was wrapped up in, though!

New Ugg Boots?
I don't have the money. Sorry.
((Why did you eat Flying Mint Bunny?! He's only called Mint because he's green!))

I want Spike. And make sure it's the Spike from Friendship is Magic.
No, my brain hasn't been infected by My Little Pony yet, so here's Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer instead!

Something that'll log me back into Photobucket?
I don't hack. Sorry. Allow me to share with you the madness that is Hetalia! (I'm actually not telling you so you'll go look it up so I can keep my addiction.) Spike from Buffy is cool too I guess. Cause I'm like the only girl my age in America who prefers Buffy to Twilight. Woot.

Can I haz a fez?
The shop owner was a crazy Vietnamese guy with a broken universal translator, so I got you a Sandslash.

I want a Glameow...
Sorry, they all evolved into ugly purugly, so I got you one.

I need a red hat with black stripes.
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