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Grocery Store!

All they had was mummies, so I got you some toilet paper.

I would like cough medicine.
Got some, but a magical ninja of the Rose Clan drank it all. He died about three minutes later, by the way.

I want some good ole Ginger Beer. >:D
Sorry I don't bake pork chops so here have a cookie instead nya X3

Can I be someones pet neko nya X3?
nya X3 *plays with the chew toy*

Hehe sorry I don't have a mew but I do have a neko nya X3

Can someone give me full control of the T.A.R.D.I.S?
I looked around but all I found was two kittens so they're all yours nya X3

Can you get me a pikachu? nya ^.^
There were no scarfs around but a snake is a good substitute X3 nya ^.^ *hands over the snakey*

I want a ninja outfit nya X3
Neko doesn't serve beer X3 so how about a strawberry milkshake with cookie pieces and cream on top nya ^.^?

Can I have a pet cat so I can race against it chasing after glowy stuff and string nya ^^?
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