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Search results

  1. shy ♡

    Trading Post

    I think you got all of 'em, at least for me c: I still have duskull and vespiquen available, if anyone wants, and I think I'll toss in my butterfree, beedrill, and extra gastly.
  2. shy ♡

    Trading Post

    You can have 'em :D That leaves duskull, spinarak, and vespiquen.
  3. shy ♡

    Magical Sextuple Rotation Battle

    Ah, good, thanks! n_n
  4. shy ♡

    Trading Post

    Course, it's yours!
  5. shy ♡

    Magical Sextuple Rotation Battle

    I point it out just for fairness sake... whether it makes my situation worse off or not. :p (Also just checking that the poison isn't damaging Tye? Since Magic Guard blocks that.)
  6. shy ♡

    Trading Post

    Sure! n_n
  7. shy ♡

    Trading Post

    All yours :D So that leaves... chinchou, duskull, happiny, mankey, spinarak, vespiquen, and spinda.
  8. shy ♡

    Magical Sextuple Rotation Battle

    I have to nitpick a bit. I specified for Tye to wait to Double Team after Toxic was used; also, Toxic has 100% accuracy when used by a poison-type, meaning it never misses no matter what (like Aerial Ace). Oh, and this isn't actually important but Hagrid doesn't have a wand! His wand is in his...
  9. shy ♡

    Trading Post

    Expanding so that anyone can grab these now, regardless of their team size... and also adding a gligar, spinarak, koffing, grimer, wormadam, vespiquen, aaand spinda. *u* EDIT: and a scraggy. >_>
  10. shy ♡

    ah, i'm sorry :c hope things get better for you!

    ah, i'm sorry :c hope things get better for you!
  11. shy ♡

    Totodile vs Wargle

    Cerulean Gym A very large swimming pool lined with bleachers. There is a floating island in the center, large enough for an Onix to curl up uncomfortably, and land-bound Pokemon may start either here or on the cement surrounding the pool. If such Pokemon jump or are pushed into the water, they...
  12. shy ♡

    ultraviolet vs. pathos

    Ty again for taking this ;n; Okie Syler, I think we can finish this soon. Let's go for Shadow Balls all round, swapping to Feint Attack if you're tormented or there are clones. If you can't hit at all for any reason, be it protect or... something else, just Nasty Plot I s'pose. Shadow Ball /...
  13. shy ♡

    okie, asking c:

    okie, asking c:
  14. shy ♡

    Emergency Ref Outpost

    Could we get an e-ref for this battle? Been almost a month and Meursault said to get one n_n;
  15. shy ♡

    do you mind if I request an e-ref for our battle?

    do you mind if I request an e-ref for our battle?
  16. shy ♡

    hmk 9_9

    hmk 9_9
  17. shy ♡

    Totodile vs Wargle

    Woops, yes, he's defrosted, editing.
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