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Search results

  1. Alexi

    Public displays of affection

    It can be quite a turn on for some
  2. Alexi

    The "Fwee" Thread

    My boyfriend sent me flowers. <33333333
  3. Alexi

    Public displays of affection

    Re: public displays of affection This. There were two gay boys I saw at my school the other week who were openly hugging and kissing each other and were left alone. I just stared at them because I find gay guys cute XD Luckily I was ninja about it but yeah. Personally, I love PDA. Hell, I'd...
  4. Alexi

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Paid for my college classes yay~ And one of my friends is in my stats class, which is crazy rare to happen in college. So awesome! ^_^
  5. Alexi

    [MATURE] Fetishes?

    That's pretty awesome, Skymin. XP I found out a new one early this morning. I *love* to be crushed. I was messing with my boyfriend and he pinned me down. He weighs like 400 pounds (not exaggerating), and man, it felt soooo nice. <3
  6. Alexi

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Had a fun ass weekend camping and such. And I only have four days of high school left FOREVER. Also, boyfriend <3
  7. Alexi

    Find your Pokemon.

    I'm an abra and my boyfriend's a bellsprout. X3
  8. Alexi

    LSD Dream Emulator

  9. Alexi

    Star Trek (spoilers for 2009 movie)

    Emotional!Spock bothered me. Watch in order, Minnow: Original Series, TNG, DS9, Voyager and Enterprise. And watch the movies. Yes, all of them. Get crackin'
  10. Alexi

    Star Trek (spoilers for 2009 movie)

    It was alright. I like how they kept the shuttles boxy and the Enterprise was damn sexy. But. One: Let's move away from ToS and TNG and make some DS9 movies Two: That was just uncool to lose Archer's dog in subspace, Scotty. D:<
  11. Alexi

    California backs gay marriage ban

    Way to go Supreme Court. Taking away rights and all.
  12. Alexi

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Got to see Star Trek yesterday <3 And my boyfriend <3 And LARPing next weekend <333
  13. Alexi

    The LGBT Club

    VPLJ: Don't ask how I know this, but try wearing a small T-shirt and then duct-taping your breasts down, then wear your normal clothes over it. Restricted breathing, yes, but if you're desperate enough...
  14. Alexi

    Epic days ahead.

    Awww, yay Good thing you found a girl for ya. <3 I gots me a boy this weekend. But we can still meet in our weed paradise, sexy. <3
  15. Alexi

    Ever meet someone famous?

    Met the members of Hauk, a Heathen band. <3 Note: www.myspace.com/hauk HAIL BACON!
  16. Alexi

    The LGBT Club

    Verne you're amazing <3
  17. Alexi

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Had the best fucking weekend of my life! Got a tattoo, ear piercings and a boyfriend <3333 In the most epic ways possible! (and this bf isn't a douche like the last one :3)
  18. Alexi


    On the one hand, I think there are far better ways to get a child to learn when something is wrong, but on the other, it worked for me. I was only spanked once or twice, and it was the threat of that that kept me on my toes. Spanking can be a fine form of discipline as long as it doesn't get...
  19. Alexi

    Guilty Pleasures

    America's Next Top Model.
  20. Alexi

    Obama cuts funding for abstinence only sex ed.

    Same here. While we were going through our baby unit in Sociology. Edit: Why can't you be bi
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