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Search results

  1. Solstice

    Not a problem. :p Anyways, I'll probably be going now. I'll be online, most likely, but not...

    Not a problem. :p Anyways, I'll probably be going now. I'll be online, most likely, but not really paying attention.
  2. Solstice

    But seriously, I'm a good five (or four...) years older then you and I can't draw that good...

    But seriously, I'm a good five (or four...) years older then you and I can't draw that good. Happy birthday tomorrow, by the way. :)
  3. Solstice

    Looked through some of your drawings. ...wow. I can never do that good. :p

    Looked through some of your drawings. ...wow. I can never do that good. :p
  4. Solstice

    Fair enough. Sorry I didn't reply earlier, the servers were busy whenever I tried to. Also, you...

    Fair enough. Sorry I didn't reply earlier, the servers were busy whenever I tried to. Also, you might be interested in this. You should go take a look at the trailers. http://www.doublerainboom.com/ Three days!
  5. Solstice

    It's rather surprising that Luna had even been able to keep her sanity while banished to the...

    It's rather surprising that Luna had even been able to keep her sanity while banished to the moon (for 1000 years even). Well, excluding that Nightmare Moon scene.
  6. Solstice

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    It eventually worked for me, after I cleared my cache like five times over the course of two days... :/ Regardless, FIMFiction and it's features work correctly for me now, and I must say, it actually looks nice and works well (sometimes). Ugh, winter just ended. That prediction makes me want...
  7. Solstice

    Something funny I just noticed

    Among them were users with the almighty Bachuru style. :)
  8. Solstice

    I would say Twilight but I'd get a bunch of hate PMs. I walk into a room full of bronies and say...

    I would say Twilight but I'd get a bunch of hate PMs. I walk into a room full of bronies and say 'alicorn twilight' and I'd probably get kicked out. Harshly.
  9. Solstice

    Hi Silver, it's Cypher if you remember me. Also, I'm also now a brony. :D

    Hi Silver, it's Cypher if you remember me. Also, I'm also now a brony. :D
  10. Solstice

    I was thinking you were someone you weren't then, sorry about that.

    I was thinking you were someone you weren't then, sorry about that.
  11. Solstice

    MEWTINI <333333 It's Cypher if you don't remember me.

    MEWTINI <333333 It's Cypher if you don't remember me.
  12. Solstice

    Do you check TCoDF more than regular social networking sites?

    Technically, yes, I do. I hate social networking sites like Facebook, and I only check the Twitter of one person.
  13. Solstice

    Ah, so you don't have the computer version. I have both. :p

    Ah, so you don't have the computer version. I have both. :p
  14. Solstice

    I s'pose so. Nice of a person to think of me that way. :) I still hang out on Pokemon Online...

    I s'pose so. Nice of a person to think of me that way. :) I still hang out on Pokemon Online under the name Mogent if you can find me. I don't competitively battle nearly as much but I still do.
  15. Solstice

    I remember you... Faintly. Does Cypher sound familiar?

    I remember you... Faintly. Does Cypher sound familiar?
  16. Solstice

    Dota 2

    I absolutely suck at Data 2, haha. I haven't played a game like it before though, to be fair. I'll keep trying, I suppose. As a side note, I have a good 13 copies of the game in my Steam inventory if anyone wants one (any amount of them really). Send me a PM if you're interested?
  17. Solstice

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    Grabbing my post on this from another forum. ...Yes, I did write this even though it sounds like I just said I'm ripping it off. Derp.
  18. Solstice

    You remind me of someone I knew, especially with that friends list of yours. Did you have...

    You remind me of someone I knew, especially with that friends list of yours. Did you have 'Captain' as an alias on another forum?
  19. Solstice

    Yeah, that's me. I'm usually on the Pokemon Online official server, just flash Mogent if you...

    Yeah, that's me. I'm usually on the Pokemon Online official server, just flash Mogent if you need me. :) Remember that certain crazy show about ponies I remember you used to like? <3
  20. Solstice

    Hi! Remember me? ^^

    Hi! Remember me? ^^
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