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Search results

  1. KMew

    Default Font Hack?

    I remember at one point in the old forums, there was a hack where you could make every pots a single colour. Is there anyone else who wants this back?
  2. KMew

    Is removing overflow:auto; from the signaure div a possibility?

    Ah, thanks. I think I get it a little bit now. But, I thought someone said that Butterfree was installing a hack to be able to block certain signatures? Maybe not. But whatever, I wouldn't care either way; my sig is not long enough nor will it ever be long enough for a scrollbar.
  3. KMew

    Is removing overflow:auto; from the signaure div a possibility?

    ...What is the point? Seriously, turn them off. Or, just don't scroll down through them? I mean, I honestly don't get the point of cutting them off. If you don't like 'em? Disable 'em. If you don't want to disable them, then just... don't scroll down. I just don't get it. x_x
  4. KMew

    Rambling about people's signatures thread, apparently.

    Why does everyone care? I mean, would you rather have scroll-bar signatures or have it so that you have to scroll the whole way down just to get to the next post? "Oh boo hoo I'm scrolling down and it scrolls through the scroll bar and it wastes two seconds of my life which is sooo hard!"...
  5. KMew

    Level Up Your Adoptables

    mmhm. :D
  6. KMew


    Do Swampertz muddy your water with their Muddy Water? o:
  7. KMew

    Level Up Your Adoptables

    Um. Yeah. xD
  8. KMew

    Coughing Cupboard is Visible to Guests

    Is it supposed to be like this? Or is that just an accident? Just wondering. xD
  9. KMew

    Level Up Your Adoptables

    Meep. Meepmeep. Click here to feed me a Rare Candy! Get your own at Pokeplushies!
  10. KMew

    The Clue Game

    ...xD Wow, I'm stupid. Okay, thanks!
  11. KMew

    The Clue Game

    Uhm. I am so stuck on Clue 6. xD Halp? n_n
  12. KMew

    Which Eeveelution is the most Powerful?

    Well, by "most powerful," I'm kind of leaning towards "What could beat the crap out of its opponent the most?" Not against a specific Pokemon, just Pokemon in general. And mainly because I want to know which one I should choose in XD.
  13. KMew

    Describe your day in battle lingo!

    ...Wow. Hah this looks fun. ALARM CLOCK used BEEPBEEPBEEP KMEW used SLAP THE SNOOZE ALARM CLOCK used SHUT UP ALARM CLOCK used BEEPBEEPBEEP KMEW woke up! KMEW couldn't get going due to its SLOW START KMEW used the item SHOWER! KMEW'S SLOW START wore off! Wild AUNT JENNA used GO TO SCHOOL KMEW...
  14. KMew

    Which Eeveelution is the most Powerful?

    Um, yeah. Just wondering. I've got a few Eevee eggs lying around, and it got me to wondering. Which Eeveelution is the most powerful? Or does it all depend? Yeah. I'm kind of biased towards Espeon myself, but I have no actual reason why. XD
  15. KMew

    Your Birth Order

    First born.
  16. KMew

    The Simpsons ride at Universal Studios

    Dude. It is amazing. It's like a 3D thing, but it's weird how they do it. There's sound effects, motion to make it believable, and a bunch of cool things. It's a pretty funny story, too. The Simpsons >>>>>>> Back to The Future. oh, and ET is still there. It's weird at the end, he like...
  17. KMew

    What Pokemon mood are you in?

    Snorlax. Tired and hungry ;D
  18. KMew

    Behind the Avatar [SELF PICTURES GO HERE]

    this is from awhile ago me with boobs aaand i just took this with the webcam and that turned out really grainy. holy crap well it looks like it but I do not have acne D: ;D
  19. KMew

    Your fashion style

    Head: Short Brown Hair (well, in the summer it's more blonde.) Torso: Usually clothes from Aeropostale or Hollister or American Eagle. Hah, I shop at all those stores, yeah. Pants: Normally I'm wearing plaid shorts from the above stores or jeans. Feet: Blue + White Nike Shox. Pwn.
  20. KMew

    Band idea

    qft. xD But seriously. What?
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