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i am clueless in the world of modern pop culture so tell me who exactly are you again and what do you do
Twitchy Foxes.

And she might have needed it to distract a kitten for all YOU know.
(Sorry about copying you. Trying to get a plan to admit that you aren't actually Miley, "Miley".)
Question: What's up with the "Sha"'s?
question: how would you react to an assassination attempt? or to someone expressing a wish to attempt such a thing?
Miley, do you have an account on Neopets? Because there's someone claiming to be you on there.

Oh, and could you get someone to join this forum that you know in real life?
KMew: Hot. But no.

o_O: >:[ It's 'owch', thanks.

Number 100: Good luck with that one.

Dewgongeru: :3 Of course darlin'.

ArtificialFlavour: You're an idiot~
is miley your real name, that doesn't sound Scottish!?!
and do you ike Pokemon ?!? or do you come here for insanity.
Altmer: I don't do spunky on the first date.

turbler: No, it is not. Duh. Stop putting spaces before your exclamation and question marks.
Erindor: Oh sweetie, haven't you been paying attention? I've always lived in Scotland. :B Why do you think I had voice training for years?
Also, I'm 15. Of course I swear.
Britney Spears looks pretty okay these days, you know.

Walker: Hot.

turbler: It wasn't /hacked/. Honestly. You can't think I'm that awful.
I wasn't even in High School Musical. 8D

yes you were (in high school musical 2)
you were in it at the end dancing when they sang 'all for one'

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