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erindor just leave the thread if you're going to be a fucking skeptic

there are millions of teenage girls all over the world who would die for the opportunity to talk with miley one-on-one like this
LOL @ Furretsu.
Why did you just decide to say that you're Miley?
Yet, I am male. And, unlike millions of teenage girls, it is hardwired in my brain to be skeptic unless we have hardcore proof.

Which makes men very difficult.

But, whatever. I shall watch this thread in silence.
Bakuphoon: You're silly. :3

:( and he didn't, he's just pointing out that you're all tres silly.
Hey, so, how about those Vanity Fair pictures? What was the deal with those? Some people got mad at you over them for some reason.
-shrugs- It was art, yaknow? People are awfully narrow-minded these days.
the internet always ages faster

i can type in lapscock too, lol

Flareth: Moolah.
Well, Viacom owns almost every channel known to man. You could do better than that Naked Brothers thing.
Yep, that's what all the teen girls like. Except for me. xD I do watch you sometimes...when bored..
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