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Search results

  1. Hydreigon25

    Alignment Mafia - Game Thread

    Interesting because i received an anonymous tip night 1
  2. Hydreigon25

    Alignment Mafia - Game Thread

    @qenya i believe we share something ( i don't want to go into details where everyone can see )
  3. Hydreigon25

    Alignment Mafia - Game Thread

    @qenya is your day or night power actually helpful ?
  4. Hydreigon25

    Alignment Mafia - Game Thread

    if you let me stay i'll help you, especially since I have information that can help you ( especially if I'm in a neighbor chat )
  5. Hydreigon25

    Alignment Mafia - Game Thread

    do you think it was randomized between those 3 or ?
  6. Hydreigon25

    Alignment Mafia - Game Thread

    What I meant is how come Mistyx instead of rari_teh, or Mawile
  7. Hydreigon25

    Alignment Mafia - Game Thread

    what are some of the scenarios, involving me ( if i'm allowed to ask )
  8. Hydreigon25

    Alignment Mafia - Game Thread

    interesting am i 1 of the 7 slots that you filled in your sudoku ?
  9. Hydreigon25

    Alignment Mafia - Game Thread

    if that is the case then why Mistyx when there were 3 people that voted indigo ( as shown below )
  10. Hydreigon25

    Alignment Mafia - Game Thread

    day 3 and all is good :cool:
  11. Hydreigon25

    Alignment Mafia - Game Thread

    there i fixed it for you also. a hint
  12. Hydreigon25

    Alignment Mafia - Game Thread

    @Mawile @Zero Moment could it be possible that you likely could be 3p or mafia ( maybe ) ? ( just trying to figure something out )
  13. Hydreigon25

    Alignment Mafia - Game Thread

    especially if you 2 are allies
  14. Hydreigon25

    Alignment Mafia - Game Thread

    this back and forth between the two of you kinda seems mysterious
  15. Hydreigon25

    Alignment Mafia - Game Thread

    Do we have any info that you care to share with everyone ? you're kinda mysterious if you are town, just saying
  16. Hydreigon25

    Alignment Mafia - Game Thread

    i have some interesting information ( i don't want to reveal any details beyond someone probably has a decent role
  17. Hydreigon25

    Alignment Mafia - Game Thread

    not confirming anything yet though
  18. Hydreigon25

    Alignment Mafia - Game Thread

    without revealing any information to mafia/3p i'll have to say it could be possible, i just don't want to be nk'd
  19. Hydreigon25

    Alignment Mafia - Game Thread

    if that is true ZM & you ( Mawile ) probably could be either 3p or mafia 🤔
  20. Hydreigon25

    Alignment Mafia - Game Thread

    wait what 🤔
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