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Alignment Mafia - Game Thread

if that is the case then why Mistyx when there were 3 people that voted indigo ( as shown below )
Mistyx was one of the three. Lynch revenge effects usually don't nuke the entire opposition, that would be nuts. If it's anything like the the Town of Salem Jester's haunt kill, the killer gets to choose between any of their lynchers.
if that is the case then why Mistyx when there were 3 people that voted indigo ( as shown below )
Mistyx was one of the three. Lynch revenge effects usually don't nuke the entire opposition, that would be nuts. If it's anything like the the Town of Salem Jester's haunt kill, the killer gets to choose between any of their lynchers.

What I meant is how come Mistyx instead of rari_teh, or Mawile

do you think it was randomized between those 3 or ?
i'm pretty sure there's an alignment-swapper somewhere.
what makes you think this
well, ok, maybe "pretty sure" is an overstatement, i don't actually have mechanical proof. but there are a couple of pieces of information i have that don't really make much sense unless either exactly two specific people switched alignments at one point or someone has been playing super suboptimally... which i guess is possible. i don't think i want to go into details now but probably toMorrow.

Also since you've claimed your role is part PGO, does that mean you're also the Neighborizer? Or did that aspect get shenanigan'd away?
yes, sorry, i should have been more explicit there. on top of being a PGO, i am indeed also the person who's been opening neighbour chats overnight with some of y'all. (counterclaim me if you dare, fools.) and to head off any further unproductive speculation, while there are some nonstandard quirks to those powers, i don't have any more discrete powers, it's just those two.

i think i've shared a lot of information now and i want some in exchange before i say anything more. so, since zori seems to not be inclined to cooperate (boo), here are some things i'm curious about from the rest of y'all.
  • @Herbe, you've been extremely quiet since practically the beginning of the game. What's on your mind?
  • @Hydreigon25, you're currently my top target for wanting to vote out today. Can you give me a reason not to yeet you?
  • @Mawile, you've mentioned you think you share an alignment with ZM, and I'm pretty sure I agree with you. But what do you think about Stryke? Do you think you share an alignment with him? Or do you reckon you could at least win alongside him?
happy to trade similar question/answers with anyone on a 1:1 basis.
i'm pretty sure there's an alignment-swapper somewhere.
what makes you think this
well, ok, maybe "pretty sure" is an overstatement, i don't actually have mechanical proof. but there are a couple of pieces of information i have that don't really make much sense unless either exactly two specific people switched alignments at one point or someone has been playing super suboptimally... which i guess is possible. i don't think i want to go into details now but probably toMorrow.

Also since you've claimed your role is part PGO, does that mean you're also the Neighborizer? Or did that aspect get shenanigan'd away?
yes, sorry, i should have been more explicit there. on top of being a PGO, i am indeed also the person who's been opening neighbour chats overnight with some of y'all. (counterclaim me if you dare, fools.) and to head off any further unproductive speculation, while there are some nonstandard quirks to those powers, i don't have any more discrete powers, it's just those two.

i think i've shared a lot of information now and i want some in exchange before i say anything more. so, since zori seems to not be inclined to cooperate (boo), here are some things i'm curious about from the rest of y'all.
  • @Herbe, you've been extremely quiet since practically the beginning of the game. What's on your mind?
  • @Hydreigon25, you're currently my top target for wanting to vote out today. Can you give me a reason not to yeet you?
  • @Mawile, you've mentioned you think you share an alignment with ZM, and I'm pretty sure I agree with you. But what do you think about Stryke? Do you think you share an alignment with him? Or do you reckon you could at least win alongside him?
happy to trade similar question/answers with anyone on a 1:1 basis.

if you let me stay i'll help you, especially since I have information that can help you ( especially if I'm in a neighbor chat )
@Herbe, you've been extremely quiet since practically the beginning of the game. What's on your mind?
i haven't been paying attention to the game because i have so much schoolwork that i delayed for mental health reasons that i have to buckle down on

this post made as part of procrastinating my greek take home test i got an extension on and have barely gotten started on
@Mawile, you've mentioned you think you share an alignment with ZM, and I'm pretty sure I agree with you. But what do you think about Stryke? Do you think you share an alignment with him? Or do you reckon you could at least win alongside him?
if my sudoku theories are correct, Stryke *should* be in either the same row/column as me, so I think it could be possible for me to win alongside him!

i might be Wrong though lol if my assumption about where you are in sudoku is incorrect
@Mawile, you've mentioned you think you share an alignment with ZM, and I'm pretty sure I agree with you. But what do you think about Stryke? Do you think you share an alignment with him? Or do you reckon you could at least win alongside him?
if my sudoku theories are correct, Stryke *should* be in either the same row/column as me, so I think it could be possible for me to win alongside him!

i might be Wrong though lol if my assumption about where you are in sudoku is incorrect
hmm, ok, that's interesting! if you're correct about stryke sharing an alignment with you, then i think my process of elimination suggests herbe must have the precise opposite alignment to you. does my train of thought make sense to you?
@Herbe, you've been extremely quiet since practically the beginning of the game. What's on your mind?
i haven't been paying attention to the game because i have so much schoolwork that i delayed for mental health reasons that i have to buckle down on

this post made as part of procrastinating my greek take home test i got an extension on and have barely gotten started on
very understandable! good luck with your test :D
@Mawile, you've mentioned you think you share an alignment with ZM, and I'm pretty sure I agree with you. But what do you think about Stryke? Do you think you share an alignment with him? Or do you reckon you could at least win alongside him?
if my sudoku theories are correct, Stryke *should* be in either the same row/column as me, so I think it could be possible for me to win alongside him!

i might be Wrong though lol if my assumption about where you are in sudoku is incorrect
hmm, ok, that's interesting! if you're correct about stryke sharing an alignment with you, then i think my process of elimination suggests herbe must have the precise opposite alignment to you. does my train of thought make sense to you?
it's funny because last night i actually recieved an anonymous tipoff about herbe that helped me place him in my sudoku
i guess the main question if i want to fulfill one of my wincons is like. which One do i want to fulfill
i guess the main question if i want to fulfill one of my wincons is like. which One do i want to fulfill
and for that matter, what's the highest possible amount of people we can get to win at once
i think this mostly depends on what zori's wincon is, and the fact she's not sharing probably means it's mutually exclusive with all or most other people, which. ugh
hey i just realised i completely forgot to establish for certain. you guys on the corner alignments have wincons to eliminate the players in the factions directly opposed to yours, right? is that either of the sets of three, or all of the five players opposed to you? bc i've been assuming the former but if it's the latter that changes the calculus a bit
hey i just realised i completely forgot to establish for certain. you guys on the corner alignments have wincons to eliminate the players in the factions directly opposed to yours, right? is that either of the sets of three, or all of the five players opposed to you? bc i've been assuming the former but if it's the latter that changes the calculus a bit
it's either one for me
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