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Alignment Mafia - Game Thread

I have sold my soul to Mawile
I think they're more likely to be town just from their tone

although it's not like I've seen them rand non-town since TvT which is wow almost a year ago now (I think at least)
Hey Zori! Nice to have you joining us.

By combining neighbourchat and sudoku, I've concluded your slot is True Neutral. I'm incentivised to help as many people as possible achieve their wincons, so it would be really helpful if you would tell me what yours is.
Hmm. Is this the second night with no deaths? I'm getting more convinced that Mistyx died to a revenge effect.

if that is the case then why Mistyx when there were 3 people that voted indigo ( as shown below )

However distinct the denizens of Moraliton, they can sometimes find common ground. At the very least, in the little things that never seem to change, no matter the time or the place.

IndigoClaudia was lynched. She was Chaotic Third-Party.

48 hours for night actions.

-IndigoClaudia (3) - Mistyx, rari_teh, Mawile
-Stryke (1) - IndigoClaudia
-Herbe (1) - Herbe
-abstain (1) - Zero Moment

Moraliton awakes early to a massive, explosive sound. People near the radius peep out of their broken windows in time to watch a column of flame engulf an entire building.

It's scary to ponder where such violent rage might have come from, but the good news is that another plot of land is now up for grabs.

Mistyx is dead. Xe was Neutral Mafia.

48 hours for discussion.

oh how is your sudoku going anyway. i have like seven slots filled in that i'm fairly certain about, but i might still be wrong on some of them

interesting am i 1 of the 7 slots that you filled in your sudoku ?
well i mean, it took a lot of groundwork and setting up different possible scenarios and thinking through them logically, but i'm fairly sure i have at least either the row/column right. maybe both
it's traditional sudoku solving. you put a number down and erase it and then put it down in a different spot and erase it and then put it
oh how is your sudoku going anyway. i have like seven slots filled in that i'm fairly certain about, but i might still be wrong on some of them

interesting am i 1 of the 7 slots that you filled in your sudoku ?
well i mean, it took a lot of groundwork and setting up different possible scenarios and thinking through them logically, but i'm fairly sure i have at least either the row/column right. maybe both

what are some of the scenarios, involving me ( if i'm allowed to ask )
oh how is your sudoku going anyway. i have like seven slots filled in that i'm fairly certain about, but i might still be wrong on some of them
i know too much, and yet, not enough.

by the way, be careful of combining information from too many different days/nights. i'm pretty sure there's an alignment-swapper somewhere.
oh how is your sudoku going anyway. i have like seven slots filled in that i'm fairly certain about, but i might still be wrong on some of them

interesting am i 1 of the 7 slots that you filled in your sudoku ?
well i mean, it took a lot of groundwork and setting up different possible scenarios and thinking through them logically, but i'm fairly sure i have at least either the row/column right. maybe both

what are some of the scenarios, involving me ( if i'm allowed to ask )
it's all just thought puzzle style stuff. like "does this post make sense in the context of you being [insert alignment], and does that contradict with [other person posting other stuff]"

i'm pretty sure there's an alignment-swapper somewhere.
what makes you think this
if that is the case then why Mistyx when there were 3 people that voted indigo ( as shown below )
Mistyx was one of the three. Lynch revenge effects usually don't nuke the entire opposition, that would be nuts. If it's anything like the the Town of Salem Jester's haunt kill, the killer gets to choose between any of their lynchers.
Hey Zori! Nice to have you joining us.

By combining neighbourchat and sudoku, I've concluded your slot is True Neutral. I'm incentivised to help as many people as possible achieve their wincons, so it would be really helpful if you would tell me what yours is.
Neighbors? 👀
Interesting that you have Zori as TN, I had that pegged for you.
Also since you've claimed your role is part PGO, does that mean you're also the Neighborizer? Or did that aspect get shenanigan'd away?
if that is the case then why Mistyx when there were 3 people that voted indigo ( as shown below )
Mistyx was one of the three. Lynch revenge effects usually don't nuke the entire opposition, that would be nuts. If it's anything like the the Town of Salem Jester's haunt kill, the killer gets to choose between any of their lynchers.
if that is the case then why Mistyx when there were 3 people that voted indigo ( as shown below )
Mistyx was one of the three. Lynch revenge effects usually don't nuke the entire opposition, that would be nuts. If it's anything like the the Town of Salem Jester's haunt kill, the killer gets to choose between any of their lynchers.

What I meant is how come Mistyx instead of rari_teh, or Mawile
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