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Search results

  1. Zoroark

    That explains Marmu's panicked expression.

    That explains Marmu's panicked expression.
  2. Zoroark

    If the above user's avatar walked through your front door, how would you react?

    Try to make out what it is and offer a cup of tea. Depending on the answer, I'd then either treat it with quiet disdain or be quite welcoming. The difference between the two states is minimal.
  3. Zoroark

    Ban the user above you.

    Banned because you keep banning people for spurious reasons, and because I have no sense of humour.
  4. Zoroark

    Who's your favourite human character?

    Namu. He loves us Dark types, and we love him back. His nihilism makes for delicious shivers up my spine.
  5. Zoroark

    Which of these pretty ladies is your favorite?

    While Wulfric would look very pretty as a Ballerina, the OP specified female Elite trainers, and also only one from each region. Perhaps if you drew, or described, the Ballerina style Wulfric would choose to pirouette into a pokemon battle with, the OP might relent and add him into the roster?
  6. Zoroark

    Bringing back the forum - the good, the bad, the ugly

    I see. It appears that we have both been subject to very different types of drama. For me, the drama I face is the one that results from people deliberately lying in order to obfuscate their mistakes and appear perfect. For you, the drama appears to be centred around ignorance and...
  7. Zoroark

    I am sure four years will just fly by, and you will be facing the same problem again. The...

    I am sure four years will just fly by, and you will be facing the same problem again. The results do not paint a pretty picture of American politics.
  8. Zoroark

    Match the user above with a Pokémon!

    You should elaborate on that. It's part of the game. Back to the topic: Squirtle. That shiny psyduck avatar somehow reminds me of a mildly perverted Squirtle with a beak. I have no idea how or why.
  9. Zoroark

    Bringing back the forum - the good, the bad, the ugly

    The parts I agree with are not included. My reason for doing it like this is that a discussion should be more than saying 'Yes, absolutely', and nodding along. On Drama In my opinion, drama of any form is the result of some badly-thought-out attempt at either attention-seeking...
  10. Zoroark

    Match the user above with a Pokémon!

    Gastly. Your avatar is a black ball, and the only ball that isn't two-tone, and is almost black, is Gastly. Someone's just graffitii'd its butt while it slept, which could be attributed to another Ghost-type.
  11. Zoroark

    What are you listening to?

    How To Destroy The World by A Trevena. It's an audiobook. Apparently gelignite is not involved in the process, although there may be some custard.
  12. Zoroark

    Online School/Classes

    Makes you wonder what you're paying all those thousands of dollars for, doesn't it? They used to say 'it's for the university experience', but that is no longer true.
  13. Zoroark

    Back after many years.

    Apparently they are, yes. Welcome back, Ever, whoever you are.
  14. Zoroark

    Hi, EmDee. Can I call you EmDee? You seem alright. Like an elusive legendary, or something.

    Hi, EmDee. Can I call you EmDee? You seem alright. Like an elusive legendary, or something.
  15. Zoroark

    Match the user above with a Pokémon!

    I was going to say 'Zoroark', but you've got too much blue and not enough red in that avatar. Whatever it is. Deino? I'll go with Deino.
  16. Zoroark

    What are you reading? II

    NPC: Going Rogue (Swords Spells and Stealth book iii) by Drew Hayes. Lots of dragons. Not enough Dark. The writer sometimes mixes up the words he uses with what he means (specular instead of spectacular when describing someone throwing something, for example). Other than that, it's okay...
  17. Zoroark

    What Pokemon would you, realistically, have?

    That looks nothing like a cannon.
  18. Zoroark

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers? (Again!)

    With the usual narcissism of someone on the internet, I keep expecting my own name to pop up. Then I see that the date on the newer posts are from April. Since I found my password around June, it was clearly a fools errand in the first place. I'm also far too lazy to come here more than...
  19. Zoroark

    The thread in which people talk about furries while also intensly arguing about cilantro

    Maybe you should stop rolling in patches of cilantro? That might improve your flavour.
  20. Zoroark

    The thread in which people talk about furries while also intensly arguing about cilantro

    It's not a disorder. The disorder belongs to all the people who claim that cilantro/coriander doesn't taste like soap. I'm one of those with that disorder, but I think the herb tastes hideous anyway. It's terrible. I simply avoid it rather than hating it, though, so I don't belong in the club...
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