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Search results

  1. Zoroark

    What Pokemon would you, realistically, have?

    Pokemon? ... Oh. I see. I'd probably have a level two human with a terrible British accent who kept falling for my illusions and wondering where his Zoroark was, all the while missing that there were two Clefairy playing poker with the Magmar and Polteageist in the play room.
  2. Zoroark

    What are you reading? II

    Currently reading SWIFT, PHP, Java, JavaScript, HTML and CSS for Beginners. The plot is a little dry so far, but I think it may pick up soon.
  3. Zoroark

    Hey TCoD, your favourite Pokemon is Wooloo

    I find myself alarmingly unconvinced.
  4. Zoroark

    What word did you teach your chatot?

    I didn't teach it a word. I thought I'd be interesting and cool ad let Chatot have its original voice. This aligned perfectly with my laziness. Win-win.
  5. Zoroark

    Congratulations. You are still on the front page for the moment.

    Congratulations. You are still on the front page for the moment.
  6. Zoroark

    What are you reading? II

    An old book I had lying around my library. 'Altered Carbon' by Richard Morgan. The netflix series of the same name is based upon it. It is a reasonably okay read, although I am more interested in the mystery than the backdrop of dystopian nightmare future where immortality is granted by a...
  7. Zoroark

    Please don't take this as anything other than what it is: an invitation to look at an old...

    Please don't take this as anything other than what it is: an invitation to look at an old conversation. I got fairly irate. However, since it's impossible to carry the entire content of a long-lived forum around in your head at all times, it's vanishingly unlikely that you had any prior...
  8. Zoroark


    I'd say 'look at the recovery rates', but then I don't think anyone here is as gullible as the person who tried to say that to me. The only thing the recovery rates indicate is the failure rate of this culture of public indifference; 1000 people getting the virus is far too many, but is...
  9. Zoroark

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes a smartie. In goes Chuck Norris.
  10. Zoroark

    What are you listening to?

    Clockwork by Philipp Klein. Time Will Catch Me First by Peter Crowley. The Clock is Always Ticking by Bobby Tahouri. Gears and Cogs by Derek Fiechter and Brandon Fiechter. The Gentleman. By Brandon Fiechter. Dauntless by Philipp Klein. I believe that you may get an inkling of my mindset...
  11. Zoroark

    New decade, new forums

    I just checked. You did not. This very thing was brought up back in my 2011 welcome thread, all those years ago. I did not like the implication back then either, since no-one was willing to let go of the 'hilarious' joke. Please don't start beating that dead horse again; it's already...
  12. Zoroark

    Oh, no, I found it. But I remember inputting it into the password recovery portion of the site...

    Oh, no, I found it. But I remember inputting it into the password recovery portion of the site, getting nothing, and then thinking I was mistaken. I believe I shall set up the 'ask every time' option on my browser so that I have to remember the password instead of lazily letting my browser...
  13. Zoroark

    New decade, new forums

    I just tried that out. It appears that 2011-me had good taste, if one of my past decisions is indeed the reason why the forum is purple. The site has been updated, and I'm not entirely sure what has changed in my absence. Thank you. It is good to be back.
  14. Zoroark


    It occurs to me that Trump owns several golf courses. It may be reaching for the conclusion, but perhaps that is why they appear so irate about golf? It appears to be a thing that only members of the Trump fanclub have a particular penchant for during the lockdown. In order to remain on...
  15. Zoroark

    Would you like to have children?

    No. The education system in most countries is abysmal. Most adults I'm aware of are little better than children themselves and, in some cases, much worse and they are practically guaranteed to interact with any children from a position of undeserved authority. Were I to raise a child...
  16. Zoroark

    Considering that your last post on my wall is visible just below my current status, I can see...

    Considering that your last post on my wall is visible just below my current status, I can see that you probably do. I also had to double-check my math and confirm that, yes, it is roughly 8 years and 6 months since I was last here. That is a long time remembering someone who was here for less...
  17. Zoroark

    So. I lost my password back in 2011, and found it just a few minutes ago while looking through...

    So. I lost my password back in 2011, and found it just a few minutes ago while looking through an old, old notebook. I wonder what email I was using back then?
  18. Zoroark

    New decade, new forums

    It's been a while since I was last here. The forum looks... surprisingly purple.
  19. Zoroark

    Maeror Astrorum [Sign-up/OOC] OPEN

    I very much like Mitch's face. Well, without further ado, I think I should post.
  20. Zoroark

    I raise my brows in your general direction.

    I raise my brows in your general direction.
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