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Search results

  1. Zoroark

    Hey. You might want to finalise your character and join Maeror Astrorum properly before Arcane...

    Hey. You might want to finalise your character and join Maeror Astrorum properly before Arcane reaches Mistralton City.
  2. Zoroark

    Open Maeror Astrorum

    Unova Region: Chaos at Village Bridge! "Doug! Use Cut and get through those vines!" "Drilbur!" The odd sensation of having a part of his illusion cut caused Arcane to look up, one arm still buried in the backpack he'd stolen. He looked around, blinked, and focused on the direction the...
  3. Zoroark

    If you mean arguments where one of them suggests something, and the other chimes in with an...

    If you mean arguments where one of them suggests something, and the other chimes in with an objection just because of who suggested it, then yes. I agree wholeheartedly. Arcane certainly wouldn't be averse to cheating with his illusions, in order to get everyone else to side with him, either...
  4. Zoroark

    No. Your point was that I'm apparently not up-to-date on my unoriginal, lame terminology, and I...

    No. Your point was that I'm apparently not up-to-date on my unoriginal, lame terminology, and I think you were trying to feel big and clever by putting the newbie down. How do you feel at night knowing that someone thinks you're a total jerk? Oh, wait. You don't care at all. Looks like it's...
  5. Zoroark

    Yes. I don't like the way some few people swear by online personality tests that are supposed...

    Yes. I don't like the way some few people swear by online personality tests that are supposed to be fun, so I've put every possible result in there. Sometimes I get two different signatures on the same page in a thread. If someone links an astrology test in the forum, I'm going in there and...
  6. Zoroark

    The word was coined before the internet, so the counter-argument that you might as well say that...

    The word was coined before the internet, so the counter-argument that you might as well say that you can't call anything on the internet a meme is more valid than your own assessment. Read that dictionary definition I threw you again, and look at the 'origin of the word' on that very page for...
  7. Zoroark

    Not really. I'm apparently pretty experienced at finding things out on new forums. The Search...

    Not really. I'm apparently pretty experienced at finding things out on new forums. The Search function is so useful here, and the Random tag is so much fun to work with; I've already put a pretty bad ongoing joke in my signature with it.
  8. Zoroark

    In all honesty? It's quieter than I'm used to, and the trolls are fairly easy to spot and keep...

    In all honesty? It's quieter than I'm used to, and the trolls are fairly easy to spot and keep track of. So far I think I've seen two, but I'm not entirely certain that they're very experienced. It doesn't usually take something as tame as a dictionary definition to chase one away. So I'm...
  9. Zoroark

    You mean you haven't gotten around to keeping a small notebook on your person, carrying it...

    You mean you haven't gotten around to keeping a small notebook on your person, carrying it everywhere with you, and writing things in it as they occur to you? It doesn't even have to be one of those yearly diaries; mine has the words 'reporters notebook' on the front cover and is held together...
  10. Zoroark

    Turn your to-do list into your journal? That's how mine started; I got a notebook to keep...

    Turn your to-do list into your journal? That's how mine started; I got a notebook to keep things organised, like shopping lists and plot ideas, and six months later I suddenly realised I was keeping a journal. It felt a bit weird, truth be told, and it's utterly full of post-it notes and...
  11. Zoroark

    You're only pathetic if you stop trying after you fail. I think you're definitely still trying...

    You're only pathetic if you stop trying after you fail. I think you're definitely still trying. Do your parents have a tendency to overreact and cause embarrassment? If so, then I suggest at least keeping a journal; sometimes the act of telling someone something, even if it's just writing in...
  12. Zoroark

    Thank you. It took a bit of work to get it swapping around like that, and link it to the test I...

    Thank you. It took a bit of work to get it swapping around like that, and link it to the test I got it from.
  13. Zoroark

    Okay. So it's private, in that you don't want it getting out around your friends in case they...

    Okay. So it's private, in that you don't want it getting out around your friends in case they worry, but your close family know about it. Is that a fair assessment? My advice would be to find someone you trust would keep it a secret and talk with them about it. Preferably someone outside of...
  14. Zoroark

    Meme. At no point does it mention the internet.

    Meme. At no point does it mention the internet.
  15. Zoroark

    '[enter thing/person/organisation here] called and said they wanted their [item] back' isn't a...

    '[enter thing/person/organisation here] called and said they wanted their [item] back' isn't a meme that's been repeated over the internet by the Hivemind until it loses all meaning?
  16. Zoroark

    No, but I'm willing to listen if you're willing to unload. Just remember that everyone can see...

    No, but I'm willing to listen if you're willing to unload. Just remember that everyone can see this conversation if they look at either one of our profiles; so no private stuff. Also, you're talking to a complete stranger, and I may not be trustworthy. Keep that in mind.
  17. Zoroark

    You really used a meme to tell me that my meme was unoriginal? Seriously? Do you think you're...

    You really used a meme to tell me that my meme was unoriginal? Seriously? Do you think you're cool, rebellious and original now? So how's your day been? Good, I hope.
  18. Zoroark

    You mean the ever-changing personality test result, or the allergy advice label? If the latter...

    You mean the ever-changing personality test result, or the allergy advice label? If the latter, then I've only just put it there; I'm amazed someone spotted it so soon.
  19. Zoroark

    I agree. I think I'll put an allergy advice label in my sig. Anywhoo! How are you feeling today?

    I agree. I think I'll put an allergy advice label in my sig. Anywhoo! How are you feeling today?
  20. Zoroark

    Oh, that's sad. To think that people are so starved of attention that they have to resort to...

    Oh, that's sad. To think that people are so starved of attention that they have to resort to spotlighting themselves with 'IM LEABUNG! YOUR ALL HORIBIBLE!' threads and telling everyone what an attention-seeking douchebag they really are. It's a real tear-jerker. On a totally different...
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