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Search results

  1. Zoroark

    Most heartbreaking moment?

    I can't think of a single tear jerker moment at all, in all my years of playing. Well, there was that time when I lost an entire gameboy colour, with my gold gamepak still inserted, but that was more of a 'what the hell did I do with that?' moment. Does that mean I have no soul? Mystery...
  2. Zoroark

    Yes. Utterly new and fresh to the forums. I'm not quite sure why my introduction thread has so...

    Yes. Utterly new and fresh to the forums. I'm not quite sure why my introduction thread has so many views, either; I'm not that interesting. So, what's a colour guard? And why do I insist on putting unnecessary 'u's in everything?
  3. Zoroark

    Good heavens, you're right! I didn't notice that before. I'm going to have to look in my Zorua...

    Good heavens, you're right! I didn't notice that before. I'm going to have to look in my Zorua box and see if I have any with a suitable nature. Again. It's like a total derpfest with me sometimes, I swear.
  4. Zoroark


    I'm sorry, Sparkle. I do think my first impression of you is pretty much unsalvageable at this point; I think you're a jerk. u.u See you around, I suppose.
  5. Zoroark


    ಠ_ಠ Carrying on with a joke that someone doesn't find amusing is something a total jerk would do, isn't it?
  6. Zoroark

    Tides Under Siege [OOC/Signups/Setup]

    Politeness dictates that I reply, prudence dictates that I wait until tomorrow before seeing what's what. I might be joining a different roleplay, and I try to keep it on a one-at-a-time basis to prevent burnout and to remain focused. I'll know for certain whether I'm joining yours by...
  7. Zoroark


    I did tell you that I don't find it amusing. You even quoted it.
  8. Zoroark


  9. Zoroark


    Uh-huh. You do this to everyone who seems even slightly stable when they first sign up, don't you? What, you think everyone out there in Internetland is a crazy, bunny-boiling, knife-wielding sadist with a tendency to make as many different alt-accounts as possible, or something? Kinda...
  10. Zoroark


    Except I've just joined, and I was merely expressing surprise over what this next quote is implying. 'But it just caused drama' is kind of an internet term meaning 'people bitched and whined and wanted their own way'. That it made an admin repeal a rule is somewhat shocking to me, hence the...
  11. Zoroark


    I glanced at that section. Mostly at the first section, truth be told, with a few VS threads in it. All of the work seems to be on the shoulders of the 'judge' in each thread, leaving everyone to the mercy, or lack thereof, of said judge. And what's this thing with featureless white rooms...
  12. Zoroark


    I haven't even looked at that section of the forum yet, so you must know something I don't. Are the Anime-Style battles really that great to read, write and be a part of?
  13. Zoroark

    So, I was looking through a few old threads in the Dachét GTS section, and I came across this...

    So, I was looking through a few old threads in the Dachét GTS section, and I came across this old thread of yours. Modest Zoroa? I've been trying Adamant and Jolly Zorua. Is Modest really the best nature to go with in your experience?
  14. Zoroark

    Idea Center: Part Deuce

    Is it me, or is this thread a massive crush of ideas already? Hum! Anyway. I was thinking of a simple pokemon roleplay. Daring of me, I know, but the basic idea runs like this: What caused the ancient ruins in the Unova region's Desert Resort? What ancient city was there before it became a...
  15. Zoroark

    Maeror Astrorum [Sign-up/OOC] OPEN

    Oh, I see. In that case: I forgot the actual colour of Zoroark hair, despite it being on my avatar (herpderp). Appearance changed slightly.
  16. Zoroark

    If they were real, which ones would you fine in your area?

    I'd think ice and snow types in winter, mainly. Jynx, Sneasel, Beartic, Froslass, Snover, and so on. In summer there'd be things like Emolga, Mightyena, Houndour, Diglett, that squirrel thing which I can't remember off-hand from Diamond/Pearl, and flying types like Pidgey. Maybe there'd be a...
  17. Zoroark

    I was just about to say that I squeed in delight over the .gif in your signature; Sparkle beat...

    I was just about to say that I squeed in delight over the .gif in your signature; Sparkle beat me to it I see.
  18. Zoroark


    Then that'd mean that they were being asshats over the 'don't be an asshat' rule, surely? Similarly, spamming could be argued to be subjective too; if you like something a lot, and have a tendency to obsessively post the link everywhere in a well-meaning attempt to get people into it as well...
  19. Zoroark

    Tides Under Siege [OOC/Signups/Setup]

    I have a question: Would a new joiner be able to use a ghost-type? As an example, in one of the early anime seasons, there was one episode where Ash was on a sunken ship, and the Haunter and Gastly he met didn't seem to have a problem with being underwater. Then again, they had a reason for...
  20. Zoroark


    I see. So it's a complex, highly customisable game with a high number of win conditions and a lot of mystery solving. I think I'm distractable enough already, without participating in what seems like a highly addictive game. That seems to happen a lot around these parts.
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