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Search results

  1. Reventhas


    I'll enter again... though, as always, I don't like how my sprite came out.
  2. Reventhas


    Maybe I should enter...? ...Yes, I think I will. My entry, made from Pinser and Cyndaquil: I believe I'll call it... Cyndaquis.
  3. Reventhas

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Allright, here's some crappy, uncreative, sprites to be critiqed and given feedback on: Ninetales, and Mew mixed. A Nimew of sorts. And this: I am currently uncertain if I should continue using transparency, or to use a simple white background so the sprite's outlines are easier to see...
  4. Reventhas

    Hello fellow residents of the Universe

    I am... Reventhas(well, not really, but that's what you'll most likely be calling me, unless you make up some random nickname for me, and such...)! I'm a person who likes to sprite, but I'm far from good enough to claim that I'm even remotely good. I joined this forum in hopes of getting...
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