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Search results

  1. Shadowstar


    The year is 2025 and the world is in chaos. An organization called the Black Heart has taken over the world , with the help of Kurmi Matsuma. Now, a 16 year old boy named Xane Ruducu leads a rebellion called Nightsky Stars Rebellion. They will be our saviors. But what's up with this: the Time...
  2. Shadowstar

    PRESIDENT (ELECT) Barack Obama

    Re: PRESIDENT Barack Obama *sheers* YAY WHOO HOO! YEAH! OBAMA FTW!*cheercheer* Yep, and he better not mess this contry up like Bush did! Getting us involved in a war that has going on who-knows-how long and the taxes and gas prices... All that's gonna change! And I hope he makes an eco-frindly...
  3. Shadowstar

    Happy birthday me~

    Oh really~! *hands the cat Leafpool with a ribbon on her head* Oh and... *hands a Firestar plushie* Because Firestar put up more of a fight, here's a plushie.*is covered with scratch and bite marks* Oh and a sig text image, too! =(^.^)= =(o3o)= =(^~^)= CATS OF THUNDERCLAN~!
  4. Shadowstar

    The Great Pokémon War: After the End.

    Re: The Great Pokémon War: After the End. Human Name:Azlia(Az-lee-uh) Human Age:16 Pokemon:Azelf Appearance:Tall with blue hair and amber eyes, has ribbons that resemble her tails – complete with gems – tied around her waist. Wears a light blue shirt and jeans. wears darker blue boots on her...
  5. Shadowstar

    What ships do you sail?

    Get ready for a long list. DawnXPaul(Ikarishipping)-You can't say it's not cute. Ash's PikachuXDawn's Buneary(Cutsieshipping)-You have seen the way Buneary acts near Pikachu, right? DarkraiXCresslia(Midnightshipping)-Opposates attract~! Orb/Earth/Elementshipping(GroudonXKyogre)-Well, it...
  6. Shadowstar


    Hi there! I'm Shadowstar – seeing as I don't go by the same alias everywhere, you may know me and not know it!x3 So Welcome!*gives random brocure about the TCoD hot spots* I would give you a welcome song, but it's not my job.xD
  7. Shadowstar

    Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

    (Oh yeah. Sorry, I haven't RPed in this for a long time. I've had writer's block. But I'm over it now.x3 I'm already planning the threequel for some reason.)
  8. Shadowstar

    Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

    (Wait; what was I sopposed to be doing again?x3) "Hi there." she responded, lost in thought.
  9. Shadowstar

    Open Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Legend

    (Nobody knows. Whoever plays him decides that.XD Sure, Time Psyduck! It was what I was thinking anyway~!) Blizzard slowly opened her eyes. She was still tired from that long flight from the Shadows' lair alll the way to here. Almost imediately, she started streching her wings, obviously...
  10. Shadowstar

    Take and Add (Literacy)

  11. Shadowstar

    Warriors Fan Club

  12. Shadowstar

    Warriors Fan Club

    Finished Dawn.
  13. Shadowstar

    Open Race Against Time

    Accepted. When we get Shadowshine, we start.
  14. Shadowstar

    Open Race Against Time

    Sounds good to me!~
  15. Shadowstar

    Open Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Legend

    (I dunno... Grovyle? Yeah, let's say he was in charge before.)
  16. Shadowstar

    Open Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Legend

    Blizzard found somewhere where she could sleep and folded her wings, asleep until the morning. (QUITE POSSIBLY THE SHORTEST RPG POST EVER BUT IT WAS JUST BECAUSE I COULD ROLEPLAY AND IT NEEDED TO BE REVIVED A BIT*shot*)
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