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Search results

  1. Chibi Pika

    Landsverd Teardrop Station

    Otto glanced down at his portfolio and then put on a bashful smile. "Oh, just some paperwork for a community outreach in... um, at the museum." He briefly stumbled over his words, as if amending his thoughts midway through. "Ah! But, you'll be needing to back to the frontier soon! Right--this...
  2. Chibi Pika

    Landsverd Teardrop Station

    "Ah, um, right!" Otto replied, stuffing a few loose papers back inside the portfolio with a grateful bow to Ghaspius. He paused for a moment with a curious look at Gladion's talon, as if he wasn't sure how he was meant to respond, before the Pignite had a look of realization and bumped his hoof...
  3. Chibi Pika

    Landsverd Teardrop Station

    The Pignite swerved out of Sam's way with an awkward wave up at her and a too-late, "G-good evening, miss!" after she had already left. He then seemed to suddenly remember why he'd entered the room and spun back around to shuffle toward the visitors. "Ah, um, Lord Articuno has asked me to...
  4. Chibi Pika

    Blaguarro Town Main Station

    Jade nodded, slowly at first, but then a second time, more resolute. “Yeah. Yeah, I wanna… wanna find Brisa again, and we can help her find Starr, and… and maybe it’ll start to feel like we’re figuring things out.” And maybe, even if Starr wouldn’t remember her… maybe they could start things...
  5. Chibi Pika

    Blaguarro Town Main Station

    Jade nodded distantly. “Yeah, I don’t think I remember her being gone back home or anything, so… I have no idea what to expect for when she was brought here from.” What if Jade hadn't been summoned by Betel, and Starr had never made it back from Forlas? How would that have even worked? Jade...
  6. Chibi Pika

    Blaguarro Town Main Station

    Maybe someday things could be normal. It could even be normal the day she went back—it’d just mean giving up on everything they’d fought for, everything they’d lost. “Not… actively, no,” Jade said in a low voice, tail swishing idly. “It’d actually been a few months since we last fought...
  7. Chibi Pika

    Blaguarro Town Main Station

    Jade shuffled a paw against the well-worn floor. “Some of them did. Some of them I rescued, and they stuck with me. My training experience… isn’t exactly a normal one, what with the whole ‘fighting a criminal organization’ thing. I sorta never got the chance at a normal journey. Nine and I...
  8. Chibi Pika

    Blaguarro Town Main Station

    Jade rubbed the back of her head. “I guess there used to be more of that, probably, before the routes got separated from the deepwilds. I, uh… I’m not big into history.” That was code for ‘hardly remembered anything from history class.’ She paused for a bit and then added, “Training is kinda...
  9. Chibi Pika

    Blaguarro Town Main Station

    O-oh. That pretty much explained it. In Dave's world, a world where Pokemon weren't people... they were at the humans' mercy. And from the sound of it, the Pokemon weren't in a great spot from it at all. (She couldn't help imagining the attitudes of groups like Team Rocket being not just...
  10. Chibi Pika

    Blaguarro Town Main Station

    Jade winced. So he was... glad the legends weren't around in his world. Alright, maybe she hadn't exactly made the situation back home sound good. And it wasn't. But that was such a specific and recent thing--it didn't make the thousands of years of making the pact and keeping the balance...
  11. Chibi Pika

    Blaguarro Town Main Station

    Jade’s brow furrowed. She hadn’t thought very much about what was waiting for her back on Earth. She missed her team, her friends, but she’d spent these past few months imagining the reunion as just… seeing them again. Not returning to the world where they’d lost, relegated to chasing dead...
  12. Chibi Pika

    Blaguarro Town Main Station

    Two of them got shot to death, three more injured. It was said so casually. The obvious result of a situation like that. "That's... I'm sorry." Everything felt cold. "I've seen what that looks like," Jade said neutrally, gripping her left arm, feeling smooth fur where there should have...
  13. Chibi Pika

    Blaguarro Town Main Station

    Oh. He'd actually made hybrids? No wonder he seemed so interested in this topic. But then... "Wait, so like... Pokemon mixed with... humans?" Jade asked, unable to keep the confusion out of her voice. "Aren't they, like... really different?" They were different types of living thing, right...
  14. Chibi Pika

    Blaguarro Town Main Station

    Jade blinked for a second, then had to suppress a small snort as her brain suddenly generated the image of what Nine would've looked like if he had been an even 50:50 split of Pikachu and Zapdos. "Yeah, no, he doesn't look, like, half-bird or anything--he's not that different from a regular...
  15. Chibi Pika

    Blaguarro Town Main Station

    Right, that was... sort of the obvious implication, wasn't it. It really shouldn't have felt weird to talk about at this point--she'd long since realized that things like "having a Legendary hybrid on your team" weren't nearly as bizarre here than they were back home, and maybe, eventually...
  16. Chibi Pika

    Blaguarro Town Main Station

    Jade leaned her head against her palm. “It was sort of research… part of the point was to figure out how the legends’ power worked, so… the hybrid I saved—Nine—he still saw himself as a weapon.” She glanced back at Dave. He seemed… weirdly invested in all this. Like it was hitting close to...
  17. Chibi Pika

    Blaguarro Town Main Station

    "Uh, yeah, they're--" She caught herself before she said that they were adults. It gave the obvious implication that she wasn't one. She hadn't thought of herself as a kid in a long, long time, but... that's how people viewed these things. “They’re a few years older, yeah.” Not old enough for...
  18. Chibi Pika

    Blaguarro Town Main Station

    Jade felt her shoulders tense up involuntarily. Something about the question... some unspoken air of 'why you?' Why was any of this your responsibility? "Yeah, I was," Jade said cautiously. "My friends got involved years before I did, separately. I first got involved when I... when I...
  19. Chibi Pika

    Blaguarro Town Main Station

    Aren't sapient. Something about it just tied Jade's brain into knots. It would've been easier to imagine a world where all the Pokemon had their types scrambled up. Part of her wanted to imagine that something had to have happened to make them like that, because it felt wrong otherwise...
  20. Chibi Pika

    Blaguarro Town Main Station

    What are they like? If that wasn't a hard question, Jade didn't know what was. It made sense that he'd be curious, if they were all gone from his world with nothing but stories left. Hell, she'd have been curious too, if she were in that spot. But still... "They're... I mean they don't...
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