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Search results

  1. Bonkenhi

    PM get.

    PM get.
  2. Bonkenhi

    Topic Titles are Overrated

    ANOTHER ONE? =P Hah, join the club. I'm one too. =D
  3. Bonkenhi

    Wow. They are DUMB. They should've done that so long ago. D=

    Wow. They are DUMB. They should've done that so long ago. D=
  4. Bonkenhi

    Well, when I'm not in foruming mood, I fall into a state of slitty slitty wrist wrist. ;_; And I...

    Well, when I'm not in foruming mood, I fall into a state of slitty slitty wrist wrist. ;_; And I can't make plans well in that form.
  5. Bonkenhi

    Indeed. If I were still in foruming mood, I'd have a sinister plan right now. =P

    Indeed. If I were still in foruming mood, I'd have a sinister plan right now. =P
  6. Bonkenhi

    And they can't even afford a potion. D= So they get owned all day long.

    And they can't even afford a potion. D= So they get owned all day long.
  7. Bonkenhi

    To play as the character George right now, the only available difficulty level is 'Unfairly...

    To play as the character George right now, the only available difficulty level is 'Unfairly Difficult'. Sadly one of my mottos is 'It's not fair but I don't care'. I now care though. Basically, BBVI go boom. And another member made a place with the same name. lolwut
  8. Bonkenhi

    So they'll never succeed. Poor Team Rocket.

    So they'll never succeed. Poor Team Rocket.
  9. Bonkenhi

    But mascoting for like 52 hours would get boring. D=

    But mascoting for like 52 hours would get boring. D=
  10. Bonkenhi

    Mike's epic way of spelling 'Accurate'

    Mike's epic way of spelling 'Accurate'
  11. Bonkenhi

    Maybe if they used ground type Pokemon, they might actually succeed. They should get some off...

    Maybe if they used ground type Pokemon, they might actually succeed. They should get some off Giovanni.
  12. Bonkenhi

    But look at Mike. He's spamming and is hopefully stress free. (Otherwise my theory fails.)...

    But look at Mike. He's spamming and is hopefully stress free. (Otherwise my theory fails.) 'ackyurit' is now one of my favourite words.
  13. Bonkenhi

    YES, VICTORY IS MINE. *awful victory dance* I like the Blue Badger. =D

    YES, VICTORY IS MINE. *awful victory dance* I like the Blue Badger. =D
  14. Bonkenhi

    I use them as a chance to go crazy. Spamming is good stress relief, IMO. =P

    I use them as a chance to go crazy. Spamming is good stress relief, IMO. =P
  15. Bonkenhi

    It's All Mike's Fault

    OH NOT ANOTHER ONE. I know you and you may know me. The last time we spoke was pretty unpleasent, and I hope we can put that behind us?
  16. Bonkenhi

    Mr Armstrong is pretty disturbing, I admit. You haven't defeated me yet.

    Mr Armstrong is pretty disturbing, I admit. You haven't defeated me yet.
  17. Bonkenhi

    It could, but it didn't. Pikachu zapped each and every one of the planes, then sent Team Rocket...

    It could, but it didn't. Pikachu zapped each and every one of the planes, then sent Team Rocket blasting off.
  18. Bonkenhi

    I think with Mike's pictures, you're down to four. I'm around there too. It's sometimes a nice...

    I think with Mike's pictures, you're down to four. I'm around there too. It's sometimes a nice thing to lack sanity. Especially when you get dragged into 20 people conversations on MSN... XP
  19. Bonkenhi

    What is this game you want that you speak of... and is the cake a lie?

    What is this game you want that you speak of... and is the cake a lie?
  20. Bonkenhi

    So then, how much sanity do you have? (This is the kind of question you get from me in the morning.)

    So then, how much sanity do you have? (This is the kind of question you get from me in the morning.)
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