• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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Topic Titles are Overrated

Oh god. Another Mike follower. And I thought we'd seen the last of them...

Ignore the random me and have a cat plushie...

We need to go wherever Mike's recruiting you guys and invade back ;)

Welcome! Would you like a Sandshrew? Sandshrew They're great roasted, baked, fried, or just plain raw.... or if you'd rather, they also make cute, docile little pets ^^
You're a horrible creature D:

Yeah, so, new member, would you like a Flygon? Flygon They're great roasted, baked, fried, or just plain raw...
I'm not that active, but in, like, four intro topics that say they're he 'cause of Mike. Wtf?

Anyways, welcome to the forums.
Welcome. I'm thinking of drawing a banner for my sig sometime, but that's besides the point. Welcome to TCoD!

Also, @Firestorm: Dayum, nice sig.

I gotta find it as well [strike]& totally be Mike's #1 stalker in that club now =3[/strike]

And thanks. ^^ I just wanted to wear something that would be comfortable for this time of year. ^_~
I gotta find it as well [strike]& totally be Mike's #1 stalker in that club now =3[/strike]

And thanks. ^^ I just wanted to wear something that would be comfortable for this time of year. ^_~

Go to my profile, there's a link to it there somewhere =D
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