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Search results

  1. Palamon

    ..................................... Tyler?

    ..................................... Tyler?
  2. Palamon

    Cut it out Machu. >:

    Cut it out Machu. >:
  3. Palamon


    You're everywhere, Brock. xD Uh... welcome. Do you know who I am? I'm Palamon in case you don't recognize me for some reason.
  4. Palamon

    I Have Arrived!

    And you have been welcomed by I--Yuki's Sword! Welcome to the forums!
  5. Palamon

    Welcome Everybody!

    You're off to a good start then! Welcome to Dragonfly Cave!
  6. Palamon

    Greetings internet!

    Welcome Psyking! I feel like I've seen your name somewhere before...
  7. Palamon

    MEWTWO! <3 Remember me? In case you don't I was Palamon~.

    MEWTWO! <3 Remember me? In case you don't I was Palamon~.
  8. Palamon

    *confetti and streamers are thrown everywhere*

    MEWTWO! <3 Welcome back~.
  9. Palamon

    Oh hey it's a Linoone

    Welcome back~! Remember to enjoy your stay again.
  10. Palamon


    Welcome to Dragonfly Cave! Enjoy your stay.
  11. Palamon

    I've been better. I've been going through a lot lately but I'm sure things will be better sooner...

    I've been better. I've been going through a lot lately but I'm sure things will be better sooner or later.
  12. Palamon

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Fwee~. My family is outside doing a yard sale which means I'll be alone all day!
  13. Palamon

    Hey, Bobandbill. How are you?

    Hey, Bobandbill. How are you?
  14. Palamon

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    Is it too late to join this club? Rarity is the best pony.
  15. Palamon

    Happy birthday.

    Happy birthday.
  16. Palamon

    Hardest Gym Leaders?

    Lenora's pretty hard because of that annoying Retaliate.
  17. Palamon

    Ash's biggest mistake in the entire 5 series

    THIS, THIS, THIS, THIS THIS! I have more reasons. Getting rid of Misty was the worst choice ever. Misty should've stayed.
  18. Palamon

    LYRA. <3

    LYRA. <3
  19. Palamon


    .......... Welcome to Dragonflycave I hope you become active and enjoy your stay. By the way I enjoy your humor.
  20. Palamon


    Welcome to Dragonfly Cave. Enjoy your stay.
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