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Search results

  1. Palamon

    Hello. I'm back, I guess...

    I'm sure you all fail to remember me. But, I guess I'm back. (My sister too.) I'm back from a two year absence. I've improved my grammar. And have decided to show up again. With a new theme, and new signature, e.t.c... I decided it was time to try again. I don't use Palamon anymore. (I hope I'm...
  2. Palamon

    Oh, nothing.

    Oh, nothing.
  3. Palamon

    Hello there.

    Hello there.
  4. Palamon

    Hi guys. ^_^

    Welcome here! Have fun be active (unlike me.) And post a lot! Enjoy your stay!
  5. Palamon


  6. Palamon

    Icyblack Pokemon forums!

    CLICK! I made a new *clean* forum. Yes it is a proboard. The main skin (only skin right now.) Is blue for ice. Please join I need members BADLY!
  7. Palamon

    Hello there.

    Hello there.
  8. Palamon

    Hello (what a pathetic title)

    Welcome here be active. (In case you don't know what color I'm using I'm using Sly blue.) Have fun Peter. Also it's not a pathetic title name don't say that.
  9. Palamon

    I'm back evoryone!

    Hi guys I have returned.
  10. Palamon


    Post 100 times frst and don'tpostlikethis! post like this postnglikethis makes it hard to read what your posting.
  11. Palamon


    Welcome I'm palamon post alot be active unlike me.
  12. Palamon

    Terry's PMD2 Songs (told to put here)

    Needs a little but but I still like it :D.
  13. Palamon

    How do you put dragon eggs in your sig.?

    blah.com like that don't use that though it won't work. Don't forget to say -----> click my egg before it dies!
  14. Palamon

    Should Pikachu evolve into a Raichu already?

    Raichu would Cramp Ash's style Plus Raichu is WAY too big to fit on ash's shoulder and Pikachu does not want to evolve either. Plus if Pikachu evolved I'm sure Raichu would act alot different.
  15. Palamon

    What pokemon would you be?

    I would be a Treecko, Breloom or a Machop :p
  16. Palamon

    Hey guys, it's my birthday.

    Happy Birthday (or belated birthday...)
  17. Palamon

    Yep I'm back. Allright

    Yep I'm back. Allright
  18. Palamon

    I was a Butterfree

    1000 posts = Butterfree.. I still need 100 to become a caterpie...
  19. Palamon

    lol......... your never on here or nightmare ash fan girl #1

    lol......... your never on here or nightmare ash fan girl #1
  20. Palamon

    hi _Ditto_

    hi _Ditto_
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