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Search results

  1. Ivy Newton

    Just Plain Mafia [TOWN WIN]

    Re: Just Plain Mafia [Day 1] Would you rather inadvertently kill the healer or something?
  2. Ivy Newton

    Here's the main discussion thread for RSI 2012. There's a post on the page with links to...

    Here's the main discussion thread for RSI 2012. There's a post on the page with links to 2007-2011 and the application itself. If you have any other questions I'm happy to answer them!
  3. Ivy Newton

    Just Plain Mafia [TOWN WIN]

    Re: Just Plain Mafia [Day 1] I'm still confused as to why we're trying to lynch anyone at all. I suppose it would move the game along quicker, but... I think we should abstain.
  4. Ivy Newton

    Just Plain Mafia [TOWN WIN]

    Re: Just Plain Mafia [Day 1] That's true... if that's the case we'd better hope "Lover 2" didn't have an important role ^^;, Mr. Moon, do you want to explain why DA? It wouldn't be any good if we lynched someone important this early and I do think it's a bit suspicious when one is so eager to...
  5. Ivy Newton

    No problem! You have to apply and it's pretty selective (about 5% get in), but you should...

    No problem! You have to apply and it's pretty selective (about 5% get in), but you should definitely give it a shot :D The application is usually due in early January of your junior year in high school. I can point you to a handful of discussion threads about it if you're curious to see more...
  6. Ivy Newton

    Ace Attorney Mafia [Defense/Accused/Lovers win]

    Re: Ace Attorney Mafia [Night 2] After information came to light regarding the identities of those who remained, the court decided to lynch the poor detective Dick Gumshoe under vague suspicions of complicity in some crime or another. As he was dragged up in front of the crowd, he yelled out...
  7. Ivy Newton

    Just Plain Mafia [TOWN WIN]

    Re: Just Plain Mafia [Day 1] Huh. That really is innocent-heavy. Taking that into account, to LS99's point it's possible the mafia (what's the singular form of mafia? Mafium, maybe?) does actually have two kills per night to balance it. I guess we'll see tomorrow. Lovers is probably the most...
  8. Ivy Newton

    Science Olympiad is definitely good, choir is good too. Anything that you're passionate about is...

    Science Olympiad is definitely good, choir is good too. Anything that you're passionate about is good, especially if it has to do with STEM. In the sense that all schools want to see that you're taking the hardest classes available, it would be better if you could take HL math, certainly. What...
  9. Ivy Newton

    Thanks! As far as applying goes, the application is actually not that bad. Mostly you're going...

    Thanks! As far as applying goes, the application is actually not that bad. Mostly you're going to want to focus on getting good grades in school and doing as many math/sci related activities as you reasonably can. Research is great such as for a sci fair project or if you happen to live near a...
  10. Ivy Newton

    Ace Attorney Mafia [Defense/Accused/Lovers win]

    Re: Ace Attorney Mafia [Day 2] Well I may have been wrong in saying flavor text counts for nothing, I just don't go to great lengths to make it count. If it happens to work out that I can slip something in, there might be things you could puzzle out of it on occasion. Have fun with that! :D
  11. Ivy Newton

    Ace Attorney Mafia [Defense/Accused/Lovers win]

    Re: Ace Attorney Mafia [Day 2] Apparently there's never a dull moment when you're an attorney, because the day has dawned with not one, not two, but three deaths. The death of Yanni Yogi, apparently a crazy old man few knew, did not surprise anyone at first. When he was found dead in his shack...
  12. Ivy Newton

    Video Game Mafia: Edition II

    Joining as Maya Fey from the Ace Attorney series.
  13. Ivy Newton

    Misreadings and stuff

    So today I read a headline "Protesters tussle with lawmakers at dinner" as "Protesters take lawnmowers to dinner" Maybe they're protesting for equal rights for lawnmowers?
  14. Ivy Newton

    Ace Attorney Mafia [Defense/Accused/Lovers win]

    Re: Ace Attorney Mafia [Night 1] Mmkay half the remaining people have voted so I'm gonna call it a majority. After a long day in the courtroom, there was still no guilty sentence. Despite one suggestion, there was no decisive evidence and so the court called it a day. No one died. You have...
  15. Ivy Newton

    Ace Attorney Mafia [Defense/Accused/Lovers win]

    Re: Ace Attorney Mafia [Day 1] Come on people, we need a decision! If nothing happens in another day or so, you'll automatically use an abstain.
  16. Ivy Newton

    Ace Attorney Mafia [Defense/Accused/Lovers win]

    Re: Ace Attorney Mafia [Day 1] Morning dawns with the town abuzz over two murder cases. The CEO of Bluecorp, Redd White, was found dead in his office, apparently struck with a blunt weapon (a statue of some sort, it seems). And even more shocking is the death of the great prosecutor, Miles...
  17. Ivy Newton

    Ace Attorney Mafia [Defense/Accused/Lovers win]

    Rules as detailed here. Prosecution and defense, remember your special powers. I reserve the right to add more rules as needed. "Order! Order, I say!" A gavel slams down hard on the judge's stand. The courtroom stands as a monument to tests of skill and fortitude. When someone turns up dead...
  18. Ivy Newton

    Just Plain Mafia

    Do I count? I think I've been in two games but neither of them ever really finished or anything I think so idk.
  19. Ivy Newton

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Mafia

    Yay 12 people 4 teams of 2 with 4 witnesses would be horribly unbalanced, since witnesses can only choose to side with the defense or prosecution. It'll be 4 teams of 3, though I probably won't be able to start it until tomorrow at the earliest so there may yet end up being some witnesses if...
  20. Ivy Newton

    University Applications

    ^ Get ready for millions more emails for the next several years. Some schools in particular just do. not. give. up. :D
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