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Search results

  1. Ivy Newton

    If you had been born the opposite sex, what would you have been named?

    I would have been Kye Sebastian if I were a guy, apparently cause Kye is properly cute or somesuch thing for when I was young while Sebastian would be properly business-like for when I got older. At least I think that's the explanation my parents gave me. :P
  2. Ivy Newton

    The Spriter's Showcase! Mk II

    Yay first post! (Quoted from previous thread) Only ever got one comment, so I'm reposting it. Comments plz?
  3. Ivy Newton

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I think the question right now is: what's NOT going well? Admittedly I'd love to not have final exams, but other than that. I'm going to the second round of the state math contest (which I've done every year, but...) my score was in the top 20 for everyone that took it. That's the top 2...
  4. Ivy Newton

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    An attempt at gender-swapping the super nerd sprite from HG/SS. I can't decide whether it actually looks like a girl now or not. Could just be a guy with long hair. Opinions?
  5. Ivy Newton

    The "Fwee" Thread

    OMG THIS IS GONNA BE SO MUCH FUN!!! My friend whom I hardly ever see because she lives about an hour away is coming down early December and spending two nights here. She's even gonna go to school with me that Friday =)
  6. Ivy Newton


    The bio teacher at my school has been on maternity leave for the 1st quarter and apparently the first sub they got just kinda disappeared one day... No one's quite sure what happened to him. Apparently they told the students he had some health issues or something, but the chem teacher has...
  7. Ivy Newton


    Eh. I rather dislike the main sub at my school. Mostly cause she sucks at math and science and yet mostly only subs those classes. Funny Story Time! Apparently my history teacher was a sub at some other school before he started teaching at my school. First day on the job he was asked to sub a...
  8. Ivy Newton


    Hmmm... The other day, my friend and his other friend were doing this thing during lunch where they kept spinning around, high-fiving each other on each revolution. Eventually they just kinda ran into each other. It was pretty epic. EDIT: Oh yeah. And... One day in Chinese we all heard what...
  9. Ivy Newton

    Theism, Religion and Lack thereof

    Re: Christianity I wasn't raised with any religion, really. I know I was vaguely aware that there was this thing called "religion" at the age of 5 or 6, because my family has always celebrated christian holidays (and I guess I knew they were christian, though I didn't really know the stories...
  10. Ivy Newton

    Halloween...your costume this year

    Ho-oh. I have this crazy-awesome plan for my costume. Gonna make it all myself. Probably ought to get to work on that soon.
  11. Ivy Newton


    To a certain extent that part could be considered rather homophobic, as it's treating homosexuals as something bad (more specifically as worse than if a girl you didn't like in that way hit on you).
  12. Ivy Newton

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Finished both my essays in record time!
  13. Ivy Newton

    What's your timetable?

    Monday/Wednesday/Alternating Fridays: IB Math SL Psychology, Advisory, or Calculus IB English HL IB Physics SL Tuesday/Thursday/Fridays not covered above: Free Period (technically Study Hall) IB Chinese ab initio IB Visual Art HL IB European History HL
  14. Ivy Newton


    I think I'm either heteroromantic bisexual or biromantic asexual. Or heteroromantic asexual. But I don't really know. Then again I'm only sixteen and rather inexperienced so the asexual part will probably change later on. EDIT: Just wondering... is it possible to be heteroromantic homosexual...
  15. Ivy Newton

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I have friends! Life is good.
  16. Ivy Newton

    The "Fwee" Thread

    IB appears to be nowhere near as scary as all of last year's Juniors kept saying it was. I'm no longer worried about this year of school. Yay~ Oh, and I actually managed to be social and talk to people like a normal human being today! Yaayaayayyyyyy!!!
  17. Ivy Newton

    The "Fwee" Thread

    For the past few weeks I've been at Stanford learning how to program for the iPhone. It. Was. AWESOME. I got to spend all day for two weeks straight hanging out with bunches of awesome computer geeks and programming all day. I even made some lasting friendships (which is amazing considering...
  18. Ivy Newton

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Got my Chemistry SAT subject test score today: 710 Ya~ay Considering I got under 700 on two practice tests, 710 makes me happy.
  19. Ivy Newton

    Images on a stylesheet

  20. Ivy Newton

    The "Fwee" Thread

    MOAR FWEE FOR MEE!!! Finally beat the Elite F(our/ive) in Heartgold. First time I've ever beaten the league in any Pokemon game. I mean, I know I still have half the game to go, but... feels nice to finally accomplish that, you know?
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