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Search results

  1. Zori


  2. Zori

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    Night 1 Fennekin walked back to the town feeling antsy. They figured that all of their classmates probably felt the same, since they walked home in a group. The sounds of footsteps filled the dusky sky. The town square was cleared out by the time they got there. For a while, they all sat by...
  3. Zori

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    it is randomized
  4. Zori

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    Vote Count Herbe (2) - RedeckPhoenix, haneko Zero Moment (1) - JackPK M&F (1) - Herbe abstain (1) - Zero Moment ~4 hours left in day
  5. Zori

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    Vote Count Herbe (1) - RedeckPhoenix Zero Moment (1) - Novae M&F (1) - Herbe
  6. Zori

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    extension there thats 5/9 right now is a pretty inconvenient time to end day i could but id have to skip lunch which would be unideal might do votecounts on the road but being shuttled between appointments rigth now day will end in 24h 12m
  7. Zori

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    Vote Count Herbe (1) - RedeckPhoenix RedneckPhoenix (1) - haneko
  8. Zori

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    as a general rule you shouldnt copy paste or screenshot conversation messages etc etc
  9. Zori

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    Day 1 Fennekin woke up to a dim periwinkle sky outside their window. (I can probably sleep a bit more before school... It's not like I'll miss Riolu banging on my door anyways...) --- When they opened their eyes again, sunlight streamed through the window. The leaves' shadows danced across...
  10. Zori

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    Night 0 begins officially. It will end in 48 hours.
  11. Zori

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    Night 0 They soon parted ways with their partner and headed back to Nuzleaf's house to sleep. They thought about sneaking in, but Nuzleaf was probably out still, and even if he wasn't he probably wouldn't mind. They didn't envy having Carracosta as a parent. The door creaked open to darkness...
  12. Zori

    Pokemafia - Super Mystery Dungeon - Sign Ups

    randing the game in preparation for tomorrow! game thread being set up tonight (USA) probably rolecards probably going out tomorrow morning (USA) n0 starts tomorrow afternoon (USA) glgl all
  13. Zori

    Things that you just can't understand

    do female sawsbuck and stantler still have horns
  14. Zori

    Pokemafia - Super Mystery Dungeon - Sign Ups

    this will start monday at the designated time at the latest if we get 10+ players thats great! otherwise we'll run with what we have and ill tweak the setup for it nya
  15. Zori

    Pokemafia - Super Mystery Dungeon - Sign Ups

    we're at at 8 already which is great :D @Butterfree you said that you might be interested in playing mafia again soon? in the pla thread if you want a bit of a break tho thats totally understandable @mewtini @sanderidge @Stryke @Mawile just thought you guys might be interested in knowing that...
  16. Zori

    Pokemafia - Super Mystery Dungeon - Sign Ups

    its probably either gonna be that or late at night for me (us) bc school and clubs and i assume ur not gonna want to stay up 3am consistently etc etc
  17. Zori

    Pokémon Mafia: Arceus - Game Thread

    me in mafia choice mafia 2
  18. Zori

    Pokemafia - Super Mystery Dungeon - Sign Ups

    tji this song slaps
  19. Zori

    Pokemafia - Super Mystery Dungeon - Sign Ups

    ...of course the image fails
  20. Zori

    Pokemafia - Super Mystery Dungeon - Sign Ups

    Pokémafia Super Mystery Dungeon Rumors have been circulating around Serene Village... rumors about Pokémon turning to stone. The residents of the small town, for the most part, went on with their lives, turning a blind eye to it. After all, why should they care about it? It caused a few...
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