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Search results

  1. P

    The log book

    It looks at first glance as if this site doesn't generate as much traffic as it once did, so I propose a new movement that could generate a few more hits on here a day. So, every time you open your bowels, I would appreciate it if you logged it here, with the following descriptions. Location...
  2. P

    Donald Trump elected President of the United States

    Businessman Donald Trump has been elected President of the United States, and will take office on January 20th, 2017. Trump defeated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the general election. It's significant to note that Clinton defeated Trump in the popular vote count. Trump's...
  3. P

    I listen to it all, 1980s to present, there is little I haven't touched. With that said, I truly...

    I listen to it all, 1980s to present, there is little I haven't touched. With that said, I truly believe that Kanye West is the greatest hip-hop artist to ever live. Yours?
  4. P

    Yes! Let's talk Hip-hop!

    Yes! Let's talk Hip-hop!
  5. P

    Activity pit of doom

    For me a lot of inactivity has to do with whenever the server is busy Then I just ask for another waiter
  6. P

    Hip-Hop/Rap Music

    Ladies, gentlemen, etc of Cave of Dragonflies, I'd like to engage in a discussion with you all about my all-time favorite genre of music, hip-hop. I would like to use this thread as an invitation to fans and haters of the genre to discuss albums, artists, or anything at all pertaining to...
  7. P

    Suggest Movies for Me

    Blow, about how cocaine arrived in the United States, is an excellent film.
  8. P


    Do you use cannabis? Do you believe it should be legalized in your country? I smoke cannabis and believe the benefits of its legality will be heavier than if it remains illegal. What do you think?
  9. P

    What year did you join TCoDf?

    2005, on Invisionfree.
  10. P

    Dyatlov Pass incident

    This incident is a scary one. Nobody knows what happened to these hikers. It's weird how things like this can happen and go all this time without being explained. What do you guys think?
  11. P

    Oh God.

    I remember you! I used to be Mr. Game and Watch. Welcome!
  12. P


    I like coffee. It tastes great, whether it be for waking up in the morning, or just a tasty little drink. Coffee as been around for centuries, bringing it historical value with it as well. Coffee is also a striving business. In the United States, coffee products are mostly dominated by...
  13. P

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers?

    Neither are butter and margarine.
  14. P

    What's your timetable?

    Per. 1 - AP British Literature Per. 2 - SAT Preperation Per. 3 - AP United States History II Per. 4 - Entrepreneurship Boring high school.
  15. P


    Wait, was Alabaster the guy who was terminally ill?
  16. P

    Theism, Religion and Lack thereof

    Re: Christianity Both of my parents were raised in a majority Roman Catholic country and when they came to the United States they raised their children with that religion. I don't really think I believed in it at all, from what I can remember. I've done my First Communion and my Confirmation...
  17. P

    Live Action Pokemon movie?

    I'd watch it no matter how terrible it would be.
  18. P

    Username change requests

    Old Name: GW New Name: The Doctor Thank you.
  19. P


    How awful.
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