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  1. P

    Yeah, i read the post in the IRC thread. why would you want to go on #tcod anyway? Meh, kind...

    Yeah, i read the post in the IRC thread. why would you want to go on #tcod anyway? Meh, kind of a ridiculous reason to be banished, if you ask me.
  2. P

    Hey man, very well. Yourself?

    Hey man, very well. Yourself?
  3. P


    Erm-- of course. --- teardrop
  4. P


    !! yes i recall. Iirc, you were also a mod. of course, when you left my heart expolded. </3
  5. P


    you're the Gigamelon who's computer exploded, correct? kill me if i am wrong
  6. P

    i like it in distress

    i like it in distress
  7. P

    What's your real name?

    Roberto. Changing it to Jean-Pierre
  8. P

    life is treating me awesome-ly. By the way, is Emilie Autumn really as good as you say she is?

    life is treating me awesome-ly. By the way, is Emilie Autumn really as good as you say she is?
  9. P

    whatever you say, little ms bossy over here. That's why me and your daughter got a divorce...

    whatever you say, little ms bossy over here. That's why me and your daughter got a divorce, because of you.
  10. P


    I'm pretty sure we didn't interact much. Of course, I don't remember much of my past life.
  11. P


    oh heck yes Gigamelon now we need Iago and it's a party
  12. P

    i like it in a dress

    i like it in a dress
  13. P

    did anyone tell you i love odd numbers

    did anyone tell you i love odd numbers
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