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New member
This is me, saying hello.

I was once a member on the earlier versions of this board, under this name, years ago. I have been a member since, too, but under a variety of different guises. But, as with all things, my interest in pokemon passed, and I moved on to different amusements. Some of you may remember me, and I know I've talked to one or two of you, on and off, over the course of my absence.

This doesn't mean I like random friend requests. Oh, no. So please don't spam my inbox with such. If I like you, I'll tell you.

So, as I said, my interest in pokemon has waned. This means that my encyclopaedic knowledge of stats, abilities and moves of different pokemon has become fragmented and unusable. It also means that I don't know the newest pokemon, or their moves. No, not even their names.

I'm here to see if anything has changed, and because I said I would come back and see what's up. Basically, this means that you might not notice me around very often. I observe, lurk, and, when things seem quiet, I pounce like a ninja muffin.

Nasty things, those ninja muffins. The icing is sharp enough to take your eye out from a distance of fifty feet.

I may decide to roleplay. I doubt it, seriously doubt it, but it might happen. I'm a little bit out of practice.

And that was me, saying hello.
Hello~ You seem nice enough, TCOD now is still great through some say that TCOD isn't the same as it was before...but welcome back.

Have a cute cat plushie :)


As big as a house, as free as a Butterfree.
"Nice"? Now you're just saying that because it's either your first impression, or you wish to be sociable.

No, I'm not nice. I used to be, until it was burned away by the vagaries of life and internet, now I'm something else. I tell the truth to those who don't want it, lies to those with no patience for them and I colour both to appear as the other. To further confuse matters, I give answers that raise more questions than the one that was just asked.

But I may be lying.

Thank you for the simple ASCII artwork, and the warning.
Well, then you aren't nice but you seem cool. You can never be sure when you first meet someone but some seem...more likely to be decent people. I can be a bit of a conclusion jumper...

And you're welcome.
Gigamelon said:
"Nice"? Now you're just saying that because it's either your first impression, or you wish to be sociable.

Well... duh. What else would it be?

Anyway, welcome back to TCoD. :]
Well... duh.

Oh, dear. I have been sarcasmed with a variation on the oldest of sarcastic rejoinders. Is My Face Red?

I have enjoyed myself so far. There's simply no end to the amount of sarcasm I can use here. I'll get bored of pointed rejoinders, eventually, and concentrate my efforts elsewhere in time.
I remember Iago. Scary lady with the same name as a particular parrot. Unfortunately, I don't seem to remember you, Mr. Game and Watch Perhaps you had a different name when I was around last, or maybe we just didn't interact much. Whatever the case, the welcome is much appreciated.

I remember a person called 'Desu', however. Was that you, Dezzuu?
Ah, but when do people mean their eyes and mouth when they say 'Is my face red'? I mean, I could remove someone's eyes and teeth and then they could run around screaming 'OMG! OMG!'


Wait, bad example. I have the wrong notes. I could remove someone's face-


Where do all of these bad examples keep coming from? Anyway, as I was saying, the answer should, in all honesty, have been 'no'.

I say the face is like a see through lamp that isn't see through but colour comes through. The inside turns red and you can't see it on the outside. Bad example.

I is being random. Feel free to ignore.
I used to be random. Now I'm specific in my applications of humour, which means that people don't generally get the joke at all.

Then I laugh at them.

Now that I think of it, is there an ignore button here? There wasn't before, when the forum was in desperate need of one.
I see. I hope that the rumours of you being a toaster soon fade.

Are you absolutely certain that you're not big, muscley and male and tend to walk around with your shirt off and your gleaming, bulging muscles exposed? Or, possibly, cute, fluffy, feline and very sleepy with mothering tendencies.
I'm pretty sure we didn't interact much.

Of course, I don't remember much of my past life.
'Past life'. Interesting way of putting it.

Now I think about it, I do vaguely recall a Mr. Game and Watch, but that could easily be a trick of my memory. It does tend to do it rather often.
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