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Search results

  1. P


    happy Birthday!
  2. P

    Hello, I'm a dead man walking, nice to meet you.

    lol walker But why?
  3. P

    happy birthday man

    happy birthday man
  4. P

    Whoo, it's my birthday.

    lol So what are you getting for your birthday, AK?
  5. P

    Hi guys :P

    lol ralts Sup
  6. P

    Whoo, it's my birthday.

    happy birthday Furret
  7. P

    Words you like to say.

    Indeed, classy, style, sir, ma'm.
  8. P

    Lines you won't find in the Bible.

    "DISCLAIMER: Jesus' name is misspelled. 'Muhammad' is the correct spelling. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused."
  9. P

    Quite? Reminds me of my days in high school....

    Quite? Reminds me of my days in high school....
  10. P

    No need to hear a second opinion.

    No need to hear a second opinion.
  11. P

    Meh, when the time is right. we will see (fades away)

    Meh, when the time is right. we will see (fades away)
  12. P

    How to access IRC channels (#tcod specifically)

    so seniority rules?
  13. P

    I have neither, only AOL IM. I've always planned on making an MSN, and now is a good time...

    I have neither, only AOL IM. I've always planned on making an MSN, and now is a good time. (runs off) PM Me that link, if you wish. I will respond with my newly made MSN
  14. P

    How to access IRC channels (#tcod specifically)

    Certainly, #tcod does not equal the forums, but it should have some ORDER. hence why i do not visit #tcod
  15. P

    Meh. Your choice dude. Downhill is where this place has gone, indeed.

    Meh. Your choice dude. Downhill is where this place has gone, indeed.
  16. P

    How to access IRC channels (#tcod specifically)

    Was a warning given to Gigamelon?
  17. P

    now i see why it took you so long to come back in the first place -_-

    now i see why it took you so long to come back in the first place -_-
  18. P

    How to access IRC channels (#tcod specifically)

    Meh, point taken. small question: Do you give a "heads-up" before a banishment?
  19. P

    How to access IRC channels (#tcod specifically)

    Of course, Zhorken, everybody needs to impress you to be a success.
  20. P

    According to that thread, I assume the guy who you are talking about is the guy who replyed...

    According to that thread, I assume the guy who you are talking about is the guy who replyed. The switch to the vBulletin forums has changed everyone.
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