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Whoo, it's my birthday.


Just, y'know, throwin' that out there. :P

ETA: An appropriate song!

I think my friend said “I hear footsteps”
I wore my black and white dress to the birthday massacre, birthday massacre, birthday
I wore my black and white dress

I think my friend said “stick it in the back of her head”
I think my friend said “two of them are sisters”
“I am a murder tramp, birthday boy”, I think I said
“I'm gonna bash them in, bash them in”, I think he said

then we wished them all a happy birthday
we kissed them all goodnight
now he chases me to my room, chases me to my room, chases me in my black and red dress

I think my friend said “don't forget the video”
I think my friend said “don't forget to smile”
“you're a murder tramp, murder tramp” I think he said
“you're a murder boy, birthday boy” I think I said

I think my friend said “stick it in the back of her head”
I think my friend said “two of them are sisters”
“I am a murder tramp, birthday boy”, I think I said
“I'm gonna bash them in, bash them in”, I think he said

I think my friend said “don't forget the video”
I think my friend said “don't forget to smile”
“you're a murder tramp, murder tramp” I think he said
“you're a murder boy, birthday boy” I think I said
Happy birthday, Furret. :D

I'd give you that cake!ferret again if I remembered where it was, sorry. You still have it?
I don't, but this will do. :D


Thank you~ ^^
Oh. It was? Well, it was the first result for "cake ferret" in Google images. Pull it together, Kratos. D:<
I'm busy, I don't have time to wish you happy birthday and check the first page of Google, god. D<
Happy birthday, Furret! You better enjoy it or I'll cut out your liver with some sharp pointy object...

...Like a fork.

Have a great day! :3

So Retsu, what should I give you for your birthday? How about a nice, big, strong boy?
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