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Search results

  1. Objection!

    Word Assasination Game

  2. Objection!

    Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity

    Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity Why is Crushes/Relationships still here. Anyway, i'm glad Lucarios sex doll is gone
  3. Objection!

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    I haven't lost once yet.
  4. Objection!

    Open the Rehab Center

    Aw...Shame. This was good as well.
  5. Objection!

    Open the Rehab Center

    ((Looks like Male Gardevoir has abondoned us...))
  6. Objection!

    You are a...

    Underage teenage girl fucker who one day wants to rape Vanessa Hudgens
  7. Objection!

    Uh... hey...

    I haven't seen you around much.
  8. Objection!

    Least favourite pokemon in Competitive Battling.

    Yeah but double team is a fucking pain in PBR.
  9. Objection!

    The 750+ Posts Club

    Re: The 500+ Posts Club I guess I am ellegible?
  10. Objection!

    Do you floss?

    It Hurts!!!
  11. Objection!

    Holy shit

    Awesome! Big Time Zim! What you gonna spend that on? i GOT £30 for christmas, but we are going on holiday so thats okay.
  12. Objection!

    The "Fwee" Thread

    My guinea pig is really happy after she got her X-Mas present.
  13. Objection!

    The Hub- Torchwood Fan group!!!

    Captain John is awesome! Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was the best episode of the whole series. And yes, series 2 is WAY better.
  14. Objection!

    The Christmas thread

    Don't worry, you'll see him soon enough. Don't get your hopes up though. Now you're out of that Nuthouse that was invaded by evil mastermind Bidoof you can actually do some decent stuff with the game.
  15. Objection!

    Objection! (Ace Attorney fan-club)

    I hate the second T&T chapter, I forgot what it was called, but I seriously don't know where to go next. Help? Its not exactly spoilers because i'm stuck. Please?
  16. Objection!

    Hey Yo!

    Yeah, have I joined at a bad time?
  17. Objection!

    Meta Knight or Kirby?

    Its not even the pink thats bad, its just that Kirby is a really bland shape, as cute as he is, (I still love you Kirby) He is nothing compared to Meta Knight.
  18. Objection!

    Are you a virgin?

    Yes, I am a virgin.
  19. Objection!

    TCod Advent Calendar 08!

    yeah, but in my time I have too wait just as long as you do. Anyway, enjoy. Merry christmas.
  20. Objection!

    Getting PKMN GREEN for Christmas!!

    Lucky you. I'm not a major fan of the early, early pokemon games but yeah, hope you enjoy it.
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