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Hey Yo!

Well, I should have to agree with you, Arylett. We can take over the world, and then set our sites on Mars!! Mwahahahahahahahaha....*cough, cough*. Sorry. Had some phlegm...
I meant sights! And how do you know I don't have sites? (I really don't...)
Okay, so I don't have sites...but nevertheless!! Mars will soon be mine!! Then I'll turn it into a beach resort and charge ridiculously high prices for lodging that people will have to pay me for!! Mwahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
It's called nuclear fusion/fission. I forgot which one makes more energy...
Mars? Why stop there? Let's conquer the WHOLE GALAXY! You and me, ARYLETT AND ARYLETTBOY~ With the combined forces of our Arylettishness, we are unstoppable!
Okay. So yeah, the galaxy would be cool, too. I wonder what happens after that? Maybe then we can take over the quadrant! (or whatever you call the galaxies grouped together...)
No!! My goodness, you're underestimating the power of Arylettishness! With it, we can travel faster then the speed of light times 1000! Besides, we don't actually have to go there. We can use our Arylettish powers to astral project ourselves as omnipotent deities that should be worshiped. Then, we can establish a utopia!
Oh...well that's a coinkidink! Here, let me rephrase. We can expand the reign of Arylettopia! Is that better...?
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