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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hey Yo!

I don't want to put that kind of stress on you.

Besides, Arylettboy doesn't have a position yet. And General just happened to be open~
I don't think he is, but if he doesn't want the job can I have it? Ionia has a great army, very advanced, and I could share tech!
Hands off, Arylettboy is MINE.

(Kidding~ Ahaha.)

And fine Philly, you shall be a second choice.

EDIT: ...You have NO idea how perverted that sounded.
Cool! A am second choice!

Oh my god, you're right, Arylett. That's funny, but I meant that I can be King of Ionia, Officer of Financial Affairs of Arylettopia, and General of the Windian Army.
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Arylett was right, it did sound pervy. But, how would that be possible? 3? To my knowledge... never mind, let's not go there.


I feel happier now~ Thanks to Philly's weirdly perverted post, I shall snacker at it for days to come. I might even put it in my signature.
But what's with the X?

And its Smiley, simile is a form of speech that is a comparison using 'like' or 'as'

Edit: Okay, got it. I think you should put it in your siggie.
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