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Hey Yo!

;;Snackers, amused;;

Oh yes, I know Master Bates. Me and him? Best pals. We see each other-


Me? I didn't get much. I just got some movies. Oh and a laptop. But it ain't coming 'til January. What about you, Arylettboy and Philly?
I got a laptop and a printer!!! And some games and clothes and other less important items
It ain't just great.


;;Awesomenocityarylettlaptopdances with Arylettboy;;

Oh my God, we are so ridiculous~ But it's fun.
;Starts to awesomesaucityarylettlaptopdance with Arylett;

Yeah, you're right! It is AWESOMESAUCITY!!!!!
;;Arylettgiggles, gives Arylettboy *40 for being amusing;;

You're earning lots of Awesome Points fast, my dear Arylettboy~

;;Keeps on Awesomenocityarylettlaptopdancing!;;
;Is too tired of writing the dances out to say I'm dancing;

Arylett, why don't we move this dance over to US vs World? It's too tiring to switch between threads...
...You read my mind, Arylettboy~

Also awww, poor Philly. ;;Gives him an Arylettcookie;;

;;PROCLAIMS IT SO!;; We shall move on to the Us vs. World Thread.
Yeah, I feel extra special now!!! My thread has been kept alive and kicking for seven pages! Woot!!
No, there was one higher one. RANDOMNESS IS NOT FUNNY lasted for a long while.

Also, that handshake was from a sitcom.

Congrats on the position, Arylettboy! Free rounds for all! I'll put it on my tab!
I'm talking about milkshakes, stop assuming!
Awww...I like rum! Yeah, Lucas the spriting ain't just working out for me! I can't get a paint app installed on my new laptop, and I don't wanna pay for Photoshop. I'm gonna PM you what I want for an Avvie, if that's okay
From what others say, PaintShop pro is pretty good... although I'm not sure if it's free, just an online app, or costly.
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